I'am using Atmels ATtiny2313 microcontroller. Few days ago I was able to blink led after disconnecting the proframming cable. but now after disconnecting the programming the led stops blinking!!!!!!why???
I’am using Atmels ATtiny2313 microcontroller. Few days ago I was able to blink led after disconnecting the proframming cable. but now after disconnecting the programming the led stops blinking!!!why???
Could you have…possibly? I hate to sound like a microsoft help line person, but is your power connected? Some MCUs can run off of usb juice alone. Got batteries connected?
ya! I didn’t put the resistor on the reset line, but before sometime I was able to blink led even after removing the programming cable! But now I’am not abl to blink led!! I will put the pullup resisitor on the reset line!
A pullup resistor means a resistor connected between a processor pin and VCC. It may work without the resistor, but sometime not. An open reset pin is a potential candidate for malfunction. The processor may work for some time, or may reset some time or will never be wakeup from reset. The attached schematic shows the minimum external components for a ATtiny2313. The 100nF capacitor is also mandatory for proper operation. Should be placed as close as possible to the processor.
Visually the code looks Visually the code looks fine. It looks like it should run on any attiny proc, so I could try it on mine. I’m using the stk500 from sparkfun to do my programming. I don’t have a 2313 specifically which may skew the results. I’ll throw it on an attiny13 and 25 and maybe a 168(non arduino) as it has more closer related features.
hey! you have showed that hey! you have showed that the reset pin is connected to Vcc through resistor.so the reset pin should be connected to Vcc,is it!