LDR + Phidget + Raspberry Pi

I’m trying to detect a short, weak signal from an LDR and pass it to a Phidget VINT Hub 0000 and then to an RPi4. (Think, slot racing car 5 cm long passing over the LDR at 0.5m/sec.) I should be able to set up the Hub to detect the small voltage change. Phidget support shows how to do it in a Windows environment but how do I do it on a RPi (Debian OS)?
Thanks for any suggestions

Hello @jmoffatt and welcome to the RobotShop community!

You could use a Phidgets Voltage Divider and follow this tutorial:

Phidgets Voltage Divider User Guide

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Thanks Geraldine, I can do this but still have the problem of setting up the HUB0000 for the Voltage Ratio input on a RPi. There is no Phidget Control Panel for Linux (RPi) so how do I do it?

You won’t be able to use the Control Panel interface, you would have to program it, but don’t worry there are Linux libraries available:

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