Laser scanner for a small robot!

i`m trying to make a robot like a car.
i would like to use laser scanner to find out Barriers on the way.
which laser scanner is suitable for my robot?
please guide me.

i saw those but i am confusing! which is better for me!
price not important for me,but i want one laser scanner which is not heavy and i want to know for process that data, what frequency need?

if i have arm9 microcontoroler with 400 mhz frq that enough or not?
please guide me thanks

Thank you for guiding me.
speed of our robot is almost 3-4 m/s

we are going to buy this:

probably We use A* or D* algorithm for routing and I think if we have Hokuyo UTM-30LX Scanning Laser with a Microsoft kinect sensor we can do routing well.

but if you have any other idea please let me know about which sensors we should buy and what microcontroller (development board) is suitable for our project.

thank you.

Given the information you provided, a Hokuyo sensor seems to be a safe choice:

You will need to choose it given the range, speed, field of view, environmental concerns (outdoors) and other particularities you require.

The sensor choice depends on the factors enumerated before, you need to at least provide a bit more information before we can help you with the selection.

The same goes for the type of data processing you require, If you want to make point cloud analysys, then your hardware is not enough. If you want to use to avoid obstacles on one plane, then you should have enough computation power.

The scanner speed,and range will depend on how fast the robot should move and how far it needs to see.