Laser cut tracked chassis for Tamiya 70097 motor/gearbox

Well, I got busy tonight and finished up my new tracked robot design! I've been wanting to do this for awhile and finally got around to designing and lasering it out tonight.

Uses a Tamiya 70097 twin motor/gearbox, Tamiya 70100 track and wheel set and the chassis has built in provisions for either setting it up as a 58:1 or 203:1 ratio on the gearbox.

Parallax Ping is mounted and working. Strangely, I didn't take any pics with the batteries mounted... I guess that'll have to wait for the video.

Chassis is solid as a rock and has an internal bay for gear, batteries, breadboard etc.

This one took some design effort, but I think it was worth it :-)


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

laser cutting

Isn’t that expensive? Do you own a shop or something?


Very cool though, the robot has a very professional look

I do laser cutting/engraving
I do laser cutting/engraving for my business so I just go out to the shop and recluse :slight_smile:

Parallax Ping

That robot looks awsome by the way. I am in the process of a simular disign only not with the laser cut plastics.

But you will see my robot when I get it finished. I might even take some pictures now while its in progress I have not deceided yet. But on to your robot.

Okay two questions (possibly more)

1. Which chip are you using 28x?

I just had my 40x show up a couple of days ago and thinking that I should have gotten the 28x instead since you can get the starter board for it with the header pins. Oh well I will just make my own.

2. You said that you got the Parallax Ping to work correctly. Did you follow the tutorial on here to do it?

I had an idea for makeing the Parallax Ping work with other chips besides the 28/40x and 8. Though I have not wired it up yet so I don’t know if it will work or not.

If its worth doing, its worth OVER doing!

another amazing chassis! i
another amazing chassis! i love your chassises (is that how you say it?) casca! I only suggest one improvement: in my opinion it would look better if you hooked up the wires on the pin the way i did : as to make it look neater

Very nice, as always. That

Very nice, as always. That design looks pretty sturdy.


Wow that’s really fantastic

Wow that’s really fantastic and professional looking! Uff looks like i’m the only person on earth that doesn’t have access to a laser cutter :frowning:

You could add a picture of only the chassis without tracks and electronics…Or the single pieces… That would be awsome!

I just purchased one of those tracks and motorbox myself, i’ll be happy if i can make a chassis half that cool :slight_smile:

Now that is cool!!
Now that is cool!!

I gotta get some shrink
I gotta get some shrink tubing this weekend!

it’s a 28X1Yep, I used the

it’s a 28X1

Yep, I used the tutorial here and added some to it (not that my additions to the code are any good :slight_smile: )

Good idea, I’ll add the pics

Good idea, I’ll add the pics of the chassis by itself.

Thanks Fritsl
Thanks Fritsl

Thanx Dan
Thanx Dan

that sounds fun even if i

that sounds fun even if i don’t know what they are! anyways for mine i used the two pin jumpers (3 of them obviously) like the one that’s already on the picaxe board (the one which connects the V1 and V2 pins…you know, the header you have to take off if you wanna use two power supplies. it has two slots, one for the pin and one for,in my case, a tiny wire. i then soldered the strands with the metallic piece at the top)

omg!!! your chassis rocks! (how many times have i said that?? :P)

I told you in another post

I told you in another post what that heat shrinking stuff is :slight_smile:


yeah i know what shrinking
yeah i know what shrinking plastic is :slight_smile: it’s even in the start here page! but the “tubing” casca was talking about made me think it was not that. :slight_smile:


Dude you should totally come up with some prices and sell these! Your chassis designs are better than most of the ones I’ve seen for sale online. Maybe to start out you could do a small run of like 20 of em and see if people here will order them. I would…


I’m intereseted too,
I’m intereseted too, depending on the price, of course :slight_smile:

Thanx for the votes gents -

Thanx for the votes gents -

Well, I think $15 for the roundbot chassis and $20 for the track chassis is about right.

cool, wish i seen this
cool, wish i seen this before, i am using the same engine parts with the tamia chasi, ( note for anyone who plans to get them: the wood base is smaler than the double engine) Are planing on selling it? could realy use it