Laptop bot

I’ve finished my cannon mounted lynxmotion rover with some toyseast cannons, laser aiming, the base rotate kit and a darlington array power board. Thanks Lynxmotion! My next project is on the go, and since I’m moving, needs to be built with parts in my house. The next task is internet control. I have a little netbook I want to strap on with a webcam and use webcam 7 to stream the video off. 3 programs needed, and for fun I’m doing it in 3 languages. First are some basic VB scripts on my desktop that brings in the video feeds (done!). The netbook needs to catch the UDP packets and convert to control schemes, going to write this in python I think and send serially to the botboard. Eventually this is going to do some complicated logic work, though I haven’t started deciding what. I’d love to play with object recognition but it may be beyond me. And the botboard of course runs some basic code converting serial streams to move the thing around and pan the webcam etc. Anyway I have the thing well on it’s way and I realized I might have a problem: Harddrive shock. I’ve seen all sorts of varying reports on severity. So, do I strap it down tight and hope for the best? So I create a rubber band monstrosity to smooth it all out? Anyone have any experiences with this? The rover has some wicked kick starting up and stopping as I’m sure most of you know, and the only “shocks” and the squishy tires I’ve intentionally never glued to keep the air in. Anyway Please let me know what you think. I meant to add my final code and pictures from the last project like 6 months ago, I should get around to it one of these days, hopefully before I rip it all apart again!