L298N motor drive and Picaxe


I am having trouble connecting the L298N to my picaxe 28x starter pack.

Here are my connections:       ( Sorry for the drawing, I don't have any fancy software :) )

(The Picaxe uses a seperate power supply)

When I set the output pin to high, nothing happens. I am not sure wither I should connect GND on the L298N to GND on the picaxe board and have no idea what is the CURRENT SENSING pin.

Could someone please tell me what did I do wrong?

Thank you.

I am not sure wither I

I am not sure wither I should connect GND on the L298N to GND on the picaxe board 

you should

I just did, but still no

I just did, but still no movement :frowning:

To control your h-bridge,

To control your h-bridge, you will need TWO outputs from the PICAXE. Connect one digital output to the L298N Input1 and a 2nd digital output to Input2.

I only built that circut to

I only built that circut to test the H-bridge and see if it works. The motor should move in one direction.

The unconnected input could

The unconnected input could be floating high, which would prevent your bridge from driving the motor. Either connect it to your Picaxe output, or tie it to ground to be sure this is not your problem.

Yes, connect your ground

Always share your grounds. And I 2nd on the 2 input thing.

Oh, God… He left a floater!

If you want to verify the

If you want to verify the bridge itself is working, you can just use the +5V rail and gnd on input1 and input2, repectively. Your motor should turn in one direction. Then swap them and the motor should turn the other way. If those both work, you know the h-bridge is not the problem.

Then tie two Picaxe outputs to the bridge and test them the same way. With output1 high and output2 low, your motor spins one way. Output1 low and output2 high, the motor spins the other way. Both outputs low, the motor should stop.

Thanks everyone, problem

Thanks everyone, problem solved :slight_smile: