KTR-X1 8X8 hybrid RC

KTR-X1 8x8 This is a vehicle remotely controlled to perform tasks in very difficult terrain, characterized by simplicity of construction, low center of gravity and universality.

KTR-X1 8x8 is made of two sections connected by joint, so that each section is independent, wishbones further moving offer enormous possibilities in overcoming the obstacles on the ground. The vehicle in whichever area is moving, and as is always excellent grip on all 8 wheels.

Thanks to that KTR-X1 is a hybrid can confidently go on long trips because we do not run out of power.



*Chassis: steel frame with closed profiles 30x30x1,5 welded
*Rockers: 40x80x2 welded closed profile bearing blocks
*Axles: hardened steel
*Plating: 0.8mm aluminum sheet strengthening brackets
*Joint: 10mm sheet steel bearings plus
*Transmission: Chain przekładna przełożenie1,5: 1
*Drive: 4 motors 24V / 450W each (nominal power) 123 RPM
*Steering system: the hydraulic pump 120 bar plus two cylinders
*The motor controller: Sabertooth 2x32
*Pump Controller: Sabertooth 2x32
*Power supply: 12V 40Ah Acid Batteries 2x
*The charging system: the internal combustion engine 200c plus OHV 28V 55A alternator
*Wheels: 145/70/6
*Pilot Control: HK-T6
*Lighting: LED 2x9W front, rear 2x2W
*Cooling system: 2x 4800 RPM fan
*Connections: quick installation plus power socket
*Incineration: 0,5-1,2l / mth
*Weight: 140kg
*Max speed: 8km / h
*Dimensions: width 90cm, 192cm long, 68cm height, 27cm clearance

Further plans:

**Rotary snow plow (made)
**Sweeper (a further step)
**Mower (a further step)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/ktr-x1-8x8-hybrid-rc

Some project

Quite a project and the first hybrid that I have seen here. It’s a good idea, and obviously is well put together.

I’d like to see the rotary snowblower in action. And I have no idea what "Incineration"means, unless it is fuel consumption.

How does the steering work?

So powerful

It looks great! Would if hold you on top also? (Thinking in medical porpuses for it)

It would be awesome a chassis like that but smaller for medium sized robots


Tremendously Impressive Project.

Tremendously Impressive Project.  When I was getting started, I had a Zero-Turn Lawnmower I was tempted to turn into a robot, eventually I decided to focus on smaller bots that wouldn’t crush people.

I had the same questions as CyberJeff on incineration and steering.

It reminds me of the Oshkosh 8x8’s the military uses to transport fuel and supplies.

If I had one of those, I would want to mount a paintball gun turret and a bunch of sensors on top.

Good luck.  Really great work.

This is awesome!You must

This is awesome!

You must have had fun building this.  Great work.



Tremendous Project!!!

Dear: Travis

Tremendous Project!!! You are so lucky to have worked on this robot. Well done!!!

From: Noah

articulated steering is

articulated steering is built on hydraulics


1000 Words +

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  I would say that picture is worth a lot more.

Thanks for posting  You are quite an engineer.


Cars and tractors are not segmented, but in mother nature, much is. For a creature crawling on the ground this enables them to follow the terrain closely.

Others have commented on the engineering, and I think that is very good. What is much rarer is to solve a problem (how to traverse difficult terrain) and find a simple elegant solution. Well done.

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