Kit Rover Lynxmotion in aluminum A4WD1 and Kit robot Prowler 4WD


  1. Kit Rover Lynxmotion in alluminio A4WD1
    How much does it weight ? What is the height from the ground?

  2. Kit robot Prowler 4WD : How much does it weight)? What are the overall dimensions of the wheels included? What is the height from the ground? What is the minimum and maximum speed on flat ground? How much is the maximum weight it can carry?

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Hi Gianni, welcome to the RobotShop Community.

  1. Regarding:
    The weight is 2Kg. Additional details can be found here:
    The ground clearance is 4.14cm.

  2. Regarding the Prowler:
    All details are under “Specifications”.
    The wheels are 5.4" (13.7cm), when you do the math, the body is 1.32", making the ground clearance (5.4-1.32)/2 = 2.04", or 5.18cm. The motor has a no load speed of 313rpm (roughly half that rpm under load), so the linear velocity would be v=wr = (2pi / 60) * 160rpm * (13.7/2 cm) = ~460cm per second.
    The carrying capacity depends on many factors, including the angle (you indicated flat which is easier), the turning radius, the friction between the ground and the wheel etc. As such, the manufacturer does not give a rated payload, but it is best to keep it under ~1.5kg.

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Thank you very much for your answer.
I am waiting for to buy the KIT Rover A4WD1. I chose this model to mount a DSLR camera with a zoom lens.
I have little knowledge of electronics, Please, can you suggest me which electronic components I have to buy in order to drive my vehicle with a RC Spektrum DX6ì.

Also I would like to mount my DSLR camera on a balance head to stabilize it.
Which servo motor and which controller do you recommend to make a rotation of about 45 °?
I thank you and greet you

You would need the following:
1x Spektrum DX6i RC transmitter and receiver
1x 11.1V LiPo or 12V NiMh battery pack, compatible charger and wiring harness

This is all you need to create an RC version of the Lynxmotion A4WD1. Regarding the DSLR mount, can you clarify if you need both pan and tilt, or just one? For stabilization, consider rubber mounts as are used in UAV gimbal mounts.

Only tilt

Tilt with a DSLR is not easy since, if tilted to around 45 degrees, there is quite a bit of weight offset from the axis of rotation, requiring a decent amount of torque. Do you have an idea of the weight of the DSLR?

For example:

This is made for cameras, and does not include a servo.
If you use the Hitec 645MG:
This can provide up to 9.6Kg-cm, so if the center of weight of the DSLR is ~5cm away from the axis of rotation, the servo can theoretically support 9.6/6 = 1.92Kg at 90 degrees, and more if the angle is only 45 degrees.

The weight is 1,5 kg

There’s a chance that tilt mechanism will work. but it’s very close to the limit. There’s also the question of how to mount it since the two are not from the same manufacturer.


Dear Obenson,
I purchased the HS-645MG, a 6V battery and two gears: a 48T Spur Gear and a 16T Spur Gear Spline, to increase the torque by 3 times and reduce the speed by 1/3. I hope the 16TSpur Gear can be mounted on the HS-645MG. I will build the tilting aluminum support to mount the camera. Excuse my ignorance in electronics, do you need some card to control the engine with the Spektrun 6DXì radio control?
When I have assembled everything I will send you some photos.
Thanks and regards

Are these the gears?

If you’re prepared to build the tilt mechanism, then you should be ok. Note too that these are directly compatible with the Lynxmotion smart servos, including:

Although there is no specific list of parts for a tilt mechanism, one can easily be created.

When you mean “engine”, you mean the four DC gear motors connected to each wheel? This is an RC - controlled motor controller:

Note that it ALSO powers the RC receiver, so don’t use a separate battery. Follow the guide here:

Yes, I bought the two gears and a Hitec 645MG
I will made my self the head with the tilt.
I will use a A4WD1 and a Sabertooth Dual 12A 6V R/C regenerative motor driver.

Hi cbenson,
this is my project

Thanks and regards

Looking forward to seeing it materialize.

Hi Cbenson
Where a can see this til?
Thanks and regards

Unfortunately RobotShop cannot offer than unit from ServoCity. It can be found here:

Dear cbenson,
thank you for the information.
Unfortunately, the solution is not suitable for my DSLR camera, which is too large and too heavy
I will proceed with the construction of my aluminum project.
Thanks and regards