Kit d'Expérimentation 100-en-1 Snap Circuits Jr. Elenco - Snap Circuits Jr. 100-in-1 Experiments Kit

Kit d’Expérimentation 100-en-1 Snap Circuits Jr. Elenco - Snap Circuits Jr. 100-in-1 Experiments Kit.

Comment faire les projets 102 à 305 ? Le kit de base ne comporte pas tous les pièces requises. Doit-on acheter des pièces d’extra ?

How to do projects 102 at 305 ? The basic package doesnt seem to include all the part required.

Merci !
Thank you !

Hello @Liviu and welcome to the RobotShop forum,

The Snap Circuits Jr. 100-in-1 Experiments Kit only includes the parts needed for 1-101, to be able to follow projects 102-305 and more you would need one of these kits:

Or an upgrade kit

Which includes step-by-step SC-300, SC-500, SC-750 and CI-73 manuals to follow experiments 102-692 and computer experiments PC1-PC73.

Thank you !

After posting the question I found out that I should buy at least next level kit.

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