K9 project

hi there and a big hello to all 

this is my first post on here and thought i would show all what i have done (see pics)

so far i am very happy with my project but i am having trouble with the drive system

what i have tryed so far is

windscreen motor drilled hole in top added a 5k pot to it 

taken apart a servo removed the motor from it 

im using a daul Hbridge to run the motor and have put the servo motor outputs to the hbridge

servo is connected to my rc recever

problem is i cant get the motor to stay at center 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/k9-project

You should search this site.

ignoblegnome attempted something similar. He was set straight by someone with a better understanding of how it all works. Just search for “ignoblegnome servo”. Sooner or later you will find the link you need to the information.