Just to say Hello and show my first robot

Hello everyone.

I thought I would take a minute and make a introductory blog entry. I have been interested in robots all my life. I can't really remember the first time the interest started in me, but I remember thinking to my self in the mid 1990's that this was something I think I could try. The first and only robot that I have completed building to this point has been the BeetleBot v2 originally created by Jerome Demers.

Here are a couple of images of my BeetleBot:



Its rather crude but very functional and I was happy with the outcome. The motor mount I made myself at work and I added some aircraft weights on the back to keep the back from popping up when it changed directions. Finishing this robot was a huge accomplishment for me because I suffer from Depression and PTSD from the first Gulf War. Those two things are what mainly keep me from completing most projects that I attempt. Given that, I have two unfinished robots on my work bench at this time. One is the $50 Dollar Robot from Society Of Robots and the other is a robot called Sandwich found in the book Robot Building for Beginners found at the Robot Room. The next robots I want to build are the SHR found here as well as the Yellow Drum Machine. I usually do things over months because of the mental health problems I have but I never let it keep me from working with projects very long. The BeetleBot above was probably 18 years in the making. Sad but true.

I want to commend and thank all the makers and builders here at this site for sharing the information you have and I look forward to possibly getting to know many of you and perhaps making a few friends along the way. A huge thanks goes to Frits Lyneborg for giving us place to share and exchange ideas.


Welcome to the site. I hope

Welcome to the site. I hope LMR provides the encouragement and support you need to succeed!