So I am thinking about my second project. I will be building it in small stages and would like it to evolve into a roving sort of home security robot. The first stage will be a semi autonomous chassis with minimal sensors.
I am thinking of incorporating a compass module in order to enhance the object avoidance feature. Since the robot will move rather slowly while it is roaming around my thinking is as follows.
Rather than waiting for the bot to get close to an object then work its way around it. I would mount the ultra sonic sensor on a servo that provides positional feed back, have it continuously sweep and scan at several points during each sweep. At the end of each sweep do a compare and determine which direction had the largest distance then compare that to the compass heading and make a steering adjustment based on the difference. In essence the robot would always be headed in the path of least resistance. Obviously if it got stuck in a dead end a normal basic object avoidance routine would take over.
I probably did not explain it very well but if you can follow my meaning I would appreciate any feed back. I am sure it has been done before and I would like to hear of any better solutions.