Jumping Mechanism

So I started my new job just recently and I was asked to building a jumping robot as a display. (Not a bad first task if you ask me.)

I'm looking for ideas on jumping mechanisms. I've thought about spring loading, linear actuators, solenoids, etc.

My personal main mechanism I am looking into is similar to an electric airsoft guns mechanism. To explain I give you a Youtube video that should just be a gif. Turn that to be vertical, send the spring pressure into the ground, and we possible have take off.

I'm just hesitant to move forward as I'm worried about gear ratios and motor strength to compressing a large enough spring that will propel the bot. I'm looking for any other ideas on how to do this easily. 

The bot be as small as possible, <2lbs I hope. I have a decent budget, but cheap options are best as always. (Just because I have a job, I'm still a broke college student at heart.)

So lets hear it!




I just saw that you can buy

I just saw that you can buy actuators made to put into dors of old cars that do not have central locking systems. These are rather tough, they really wants to pull or push half a fingers length or so.

And they weigh next to nothing. Depending on the rest of your project such could make a robot jump. (I would add springs, and experiment on timing to get it all synced up for biggest jumps)

Congrats on the job, nice one!!

No kidding!

You weren’t lying…this looks pretty promising!…cheap too. Putting four of these on the corners should pop the little guy up. I can’t find any info on door lock actuator strengths but at 5 bucks a pop I mine as well try them. Thanks for the info.


How about a piston driven by

How about a piston driven by a gear motor? Something like the picture below, only inverted so to piston is pointed downwards.


Just got the door locking

Just got the door locking actuator. It has some kick, probably going to get the whole bot a few inches off the ground…not what I was looking for but the time crunch will force me to make due with it. Now its just building a chasis and wiring it all up.

The 5v to 12v DC to DC step up is going to fun to get the actuator to trigger.

Should be coming together soon, I’ll be posting pictures and details soon!

Add springs on feet! / Pogo

Add springs on feet! / Pogo sticks. Then ajust frequency to make it jump. All you need is a spring (or even a rubber band) , and one tube inside another. Some Polymorph and you are go.

A spring foot is certainly

A spring foot is certainly in the plan. I’m not an expert in spring mechanics like that so any advice is welcome!

I’ve got video! I hacked up

I’ve got video! I hacked up a base from some scrap acyrlic and nylon screw stand offs and wired a momentary switch to see it in action. Its a bit off balanced but it jumps, as my co-workers say, it has a personality. It put a smile on their face and that is more then enough satisfaction for me.


Lively little thing! Keep

Lively little thing! Keep the updates coming.

Hes alive! Jumping around

Hes alive! Jumping around under control of the Arduino. At the moment, it is just on a timer, no sensors at the moment.


The most interesting thing about the bot is the 5v-12v DC/DC convertor charge pump circuit. Using a LT1073 to generate a 12v signal charging a 100,000uF capacitor. A relay lets the Arduino close the circuit and send a signal to the MOSFET to pulse the door lcoking actuator.

With that little bugger of a circuit up and running, I can work on added motors, sensors, etc.

I’ll be at Maker Faire NYC tomorrow with the bot. If anyone is there, stop by the NextFab Studio booth and say hi!

If you have the luxury of an

If you have the luxury of an air compressor, compressed air is a great way to deliver power to a small space.  think of a dentist drill - no motors in the hand-held unit.  the compressor can be as big or little as desired.   put the compressor under a desk, or behind a wall, and have 1/2 diameter plastic hose delivering all the power you need.   I certainly dont have all the answers but thats the first thing that came to mind.