Joystick remote for Rover V2


I require your help regarding a project I’m attempting.


I would like to control my tracked robot using a remote joystick and IR coms, can you point me to any links on the subject.

Hardware concerned:

Rover V2

Software concerned:


Troubleshooting steps already taken:

Additional information:

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

There is no tutorial featuring all the hardware and software that you’re using. But you may get some ideas from here: Rover V2 four wheel drive robot |

Can you confirm which “Rover” you mean? DFRobotShop Rover V2?

Yes, that’s the one

At minimum, you really just need an IR receiver

You can use a blank shield to make the connections or just wires.

There’s sample code on how to detect signals from an IR remote:

OK, thanks I will check it out