Johnny 5 runs away on motor controller power up


I have a standard Johnny 5. Whenever I turn on the power switch to the motor controller (Sabertooth) the treads start spinning. After I send the first command to the controller they stop and all is normal.

My question is: How can I get the Sabertooth not to begin in this mode? My robot runs away before I have even issued a command.

Thanks amigos,


I have a Sabertooth on W.A.L.T.E.R. with separate power connections going to the electronics/servos, and motors (pair of GHM-04’s). I turn the electronics on first, and then turn the motor power on. If there is a signal going to the Sabertooth from the MCU or SSC-32, the motors won’t do anything when you turn on power to them. Once I get a wiring harness for a 9V battery, I will have three separate power sources - electronics (9V), servos (6V or 7.2V 2800 mAH pack), and motor subsystem (7.2V 2800 mAH pack).


I assume you have the Sabertooth 2x5 RC plugged into the SSC-32. On startup the SSC-32 doesn’t even generate servo pulses. What are the dip switch settings for the Sabertooth?


Sorry it took so long to get back. I took a picture of the dip switches and it came out blurry, but here they are:

position setting

1 off
2 off
3 on
4 on
5 on
6 off

When I turn the power on, the left and right tracks spin in opposite directions (really fast).


Flip switch 6 to on and all will be right with the world (asuming this is a sabertooth 2x5RC and not a sabertooth 2x5 in packet serial mode)

With timeout off, the sabertooth will act on any data it reads as a valid servo pulse. Very likely in your startup code or somewhere the controller is being sent some noise that its acting on. Turning timeout on will make it not start up until it has recieved a series of correct servo pulses in a row.

If there’s a technical reason for having to have timeout off, then check your initilization code.


Did this solve the problem?


I’ll try this at lunch, and see how it goes.

Thanks a bunch for taking time to help me.
