I finally got the first prototype of Johnny 5 done with tracks. It’s still in the early stages, but it’s looking pretty good. The tracks may be a little large in proportion to the torso, but it’s a stable base. It will be at least 4 to 6 more weeks before the track kits will be available. Well, how did I do? 8)
He looks awesome!!!
You should enter him in sumo…
Those tracks look like they have a lot of surface area.
How well do they do turning tank style?
#5 is alive!
Well done!
The tracks seem a bit too tall and a bit too wide for the body, but other than that he looks great! Johnny will be going right over anything in his way.
Will the track kits be available separately as well as with J5?
How did you do Jim?
Insanely fantastic!
I think the track size is fine as-is. Only thing to comment is the height of the torso in relation to the tracks. The arm and hand grippers are not allowed to rest in a vertical position without hitting the top of the tracks.
Perhaps replace that “U” channel with a longer one to allow for the arm to go vertical. The longer “U” channel I suppose would cause more strain on the servos however.
Another option is to put a rotating base as used on some of the hex-a-pods or arms. This way you can keep your curent design; since everything will be “shimed up” from the rotating base.
Here is an example of the base that would lift the entire uper assembly up.
Perhaps make a smaller version of this one, and have both round pieces the same diameter.
Looks awesome! Can’t wait to see the fully developed track system.
I agree with SN96 that raising up the body might help. Also, possibly putting the torso closer to the front like in the wheeled version. I’m not sure if that would cause balance issues, but you could always add counterbalance with more electronics/ battery in the back if needed.
I was thinking, If you made a tall enough rotating base, where the top of the base it equal to the heighest point of the tread, you could replace the 3 position “U” channel with a 2 pos. “U” channel to take up some of the emptyness around the torso.
Just another idea thrown on the table…
Well the first image was with the waist in the back position. This image shows the waist in the full up position.
I had trouble getting the torso back far enough on the first version. This one should be pretty well balanced, and be able to move the waist into the full forward and full back position and still be able to move. The “C” bracket in the front is not the standard .06" aluminum part. it’s .09" steel. We are working on a really robust rotation system… In the meantime this is ok.
I have a question Jim.
With the addition of the tracked version, will there still be a wheeled version available? I do like both designs.
I am going to make a J5 as my next project since it offers so much room for custom electronics and the ability to hold more weight. Some really advanced stuff can be done with this type of bot. I got my eye on this for sure.
Hey Jim, I think the J5 with tracks is cool! I also like the wheeled version though. Anyways I tyhink it would be cool if you made like a head piece for the J5 so it looks a little more human like. I think somehear did this with a sonar module in its head, it was cool:)
heyyyy, this looks awful familiar
my own post a couple weeks/month and half ago
now im curious, did u just think of it from the original johnny 5? or had you been planning on making this? or did i peak your interest?
btw, looks very good, think the tracks look great too, i think i may want that kit for an idea of mine
I believe you’re referring to this project: lynxmotion.net/viewtopic.php?t=537 As it says in the 1st post, the cost for 1 unit is $270. Even at quantity, such a head is relatively expensive. Also, as I recall from the project, the ping didn’t work so well in the head. Not to mention, it’s unnecessary weight. While it might be cool to have an optional Lynx part like that if the shortcomings could be engineered around, I’m not sure there is enough interest for it to be worthwhile. Certainly not as part of the kit itself.
Yeah, I realize the weight would be an issue, but plastic could work. Also, yeah im not sure if the ping sensor really worked good in the head, but It still would look cool if there were inserted LED’s in the eyes for coolness. Deffinately wouldnt make it part of the kit, but a cool accessorie would be nice
its realy nice jim!
o, and how many kits will be avaible? I guest its more than one since you put ‘‘kits’’ but exactly, how many?
Yeah I plan to offer the wheeled version and two tracked versions of the rover base that can carry around a humonoid torso. We’re still working on our new Dual H-Bridge which all of these chassis depend on. So pretty soon there should be a lot of new rovers. Working hard, comin in on Saturdays
Hey where’s your post with the the real J5 and my SES model?
nice! I want to buy one for next summer… its going to be awsome! how expensive will these rovers be? more expensve than the 4by 4 ones (I guesse since the trakcs add to the price… )
Sam, Lynxmotion is realy cool!
That’s a beauty, Jim.
I actually like the slightly unproportional tracks.
It gives it a charicatured sort of look.
Is the prototype able to stretch all the way out forewards and backwards without tipping the base?
Even if it’s not, I’m sure this one will be much more stable than the original wheeled version looked.
It’d be an interesting project to make a simple tilt sensor to keep the base on the ground where it’s supposed to be.
This is one kit robot I definitely want to build at some point! Johnny 5 goes and harasses Doozi (my precocious feline furball)… I just really always liked the Short Circuit movies.
Jim, now all you need is a nice sensor turret head, something like this… It’s just a little something that came to me in a dream, literally, last night.
This is my preliminary design for such a head, complete with independent “eye” pan and tilt and full “head” pan and tilt.
Any updates? I’m done racing for the year and I’m getting the itch to work on my tank again!
I am not usually into building kits, because I can’t usually get what I want in them. Hmmmm, well, I think I want one of these! Will it be possible to build one up a few pieces at a time until it is complete?
You know you love new product development! Don’t even try telling me you don’t.