I am using a Sabertooth and an SSc-32. I have the 12vdc battery pack for the Sabertooth and the 6vdc for the SSC-32. I have 2 different battery switches connected. One for the Sabertooth and one for the SSC-32. Where do i connect the Fwd/CH1, Turn/CH2 and Flip wires? are they connected on the SSC-32 and if so where? Also the assembly guide states that i am to disable the BEC if it is being connected to the SSC-32, after removing the red wires out of the black housing how do i cover the exposed wire with heat shrink to prevent accidental short circuits?
If anyone could answer these questions it would be very helpful! thanks alot in advance!
It doesn’t matter which pins you connect the sabertooth to. You just need to choose two inputs to use and set them up in SEQ the same as you would for a servo. The flip input is not used for this type chassis. It can’t operate flipped over.
I admit we need to do more work on Johnny 5 documentation as it pertains to the Sabertooth motor controllers connections. I will attempt to create a pictorial schematic today.
I’m not sure what you’re asking here. Have you used heat shrink before?
Here is the schematic for the in-house Johnny 5 Bot. When we finally add a complete tutorial for it we will use these connections. For now just use the BRAT tutorials for SEQ setup and control.
In the SSC-32 Hardware Information section Item 4 you will see.
This is the Logic Voltage, or VL. This input is normally used with a 9vdc battery connector to provide power to the ICs and anything connected to the 5vdc lines on the board. The valid range for this terminal is 6vdc - 9vdc. This input is used to isolate the logic from the Servo Power Input. It is necessary to remove the VS1=VL jumper when powering the servos separately from the logic VL. The SSC-32 should draw 35mA with nothing connected to the 5vdc output.
Ok i used the quick connect and connected a 6vdc battery to it and removed the VL=VS1 jumper. Using the DB9 serial cable to connect to Sequencer but it does not connect. What do i do from here?