Jeep Mr Basic

It has been hard, but I finished the main parts of my candidate for LMR Mr Basic contest just in time.

As this is my first robot, the general idea was building something based on fritsl’s “Start here project”. But with some addings and trying to use recycled parts whenever I can. The “decorative” part was made by a team formed by my 6 year old son and me.

Building process:

The first step once I got my Mr Basic chassis, was the motor driver using guibot’s design (

L293D Motor Driver

Then I fixed a plastic box (got from a curtain’s package and its size was perfect!) to hold the 9V battery and Arduino duemilanove:

Arduino mounted on Mr Basic

Then I transformed my corn flakes box into a Jeep cover, Servo included.

The next step was mounting the Sharp IR sensor and connect all the wires:


And finally I added the LMR flag:


Pending Tasks:

  • Add inteligence to “the beast”.
  • Record and post Video.
  • Connect line following sensors.

Line following and obstacle avoidance

  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Power source: 9VDC battery for 5VDC regulated supply, 3AA cells for motor
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR GP2D12, line sensor OPB608
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Love the body on that thing.
Love the body on that thing. very creative!

awaiting video
Two stars so far.

i agree wth rik and

i agree wth rik and frits.

Bonus star for the flag. Waiting for the video.

Final vote

Ok, I decided to follow mintvelts suggestion and give 5 stars for my Nr. 1, 4 stars for Nr.2 and so one, to give a clearer result for this contest.

This is the ungrateful fourth place in my ranking. But a very succesful start for a beginner robot. Video is a must for a contest like this.