Jarvis Robot

Hi, im new to this stuff so i am going to spend time on this project, i am making an exact copy of Frit's biped waling robot "dead duck", i am facing problems but they will be soon solved by the forums, check out Frit's version here: https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/29379

Thanks for having a look at this project, i will post more pictures when progress starts. I will also make a thread on forums with my problems please check them out soon! Hey guys it's been a while now and i have finished Jarvis, i finished him a long time ago just never got round to posting videos about him, sorry won't do it again, hope you enjoy making this robot, best friend for life

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/jarvis-robot

Looks awesome! Can’t wait to
Looks awesome! Can’t wait to see more photos and videos! Cheers

Recieved yer message, what’s
Recieved yer message, what’s the problem?

i already posted my problem

i already posted my problem here: https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/29379 please go and check it out, its just above the copy one something about locomotion or something like that

Commented on the video.

SR-04 ultrasounds

Hi, I  use SR-04 ultrasounds for any distance sensing, they are great (though I haven’t tried any others!) and really easy to use. I work with Arduinos. If you use other microcontrollers then I don’t know the following is useful, but if it is so much the better - if you’re interested, I have made an ultrasonic library for Arduinos, if you are interested then I can post the code here for you to copy. Well done, keep up the good work!

Hey finished project a while

Hey finished project a while ago now everything up to date

could you help me please?

Hello Jakerader

sorry to disturb you but I need your help please about this amazin robot!!

I made one like your after seeing the original one (
) bu I think I have the same issue you had so please please please could you help me?

The problem is that it doesn’t work as expected:-(

the middle servo (central one) tilts diagonally so your feet do not get up, indeed even they tilt them accordingly.

I tried several times to redo the project but it is frustrating I can not find the problem.

Could you help me please? any suggestion? did you follow exactly the video and instructions? what I need to take into account?let’s say…ritical part not well exlained maybe I don’t know…

again I’m frustrating… :frowning:

the stick vertical stick, one where there batteries, no swings for nothing  :-(     

ok I hope you’dhelp me!

Many thanks for your help and bye


p.s. It is correct that the main servo moves diagonally? if not, what can you do to avoid?thanks!