JANUARY GIVEAWAY - 10 Years of GoRobotics! | RobotShop Community

I’ll go with KeepOn for reality… but Wall-E for fantasy.

Artimus!! =^)

So many robots, so little time…

For movie robots, I’ve got to go with Gort from The Day The Earth Stood Still (original). I’m right there with Bruce on Robbie from Forbidden Planet. He’s a close second.

For real robots, it’s hard to beat Asimo. We’ve been striving to make anthropomorphic robots since the first concepts of an artificial human started popping into peoples heads. Home kits like RoboBuilder’s CREATOR are great but they still fall short of what a multi-billion dollar corporation can do.

Of my creations, a little light sensing mouse-bot I built from an old mouse and motors from my kid’s discarded electric toothbrushes. The first one I’ve ever build from scratch. Must be 6 years old and still can scare the dogs!

Finally, for amateur robotics, anything the FIRST team I mentor builds! (REX ROX!!! Go 1727!!!) What these kids come up with is amazing! (Now, it only I could get them to plan it out more…)

I’m glad to see you promoting robotics in this way.
My favourite robot has got to be the Neato, it is a Roomba with laser navigation.

My favorite robot is I-Sobot. But we also like all the Arduino based robots and really hope we win the Practical Arduino book.

My favorite is Scribbler Robot.
Congatulations for the 10 years!

RHex and the full scale version built on Prototype This!

David Anderson’s Journey Robot (jBot).

My favourite robot is roomba bot. It is just a matter of time until all the houses in the world will have automatic robotic cleaner.Roomba will reign supremacy yeah!haha

I think I’d have to go with the Lego NXT. It’s so versatile, programmable in C or through a visual GUI and with a healthy amount of processor power and sensing capabilities, it’s brilliant for prototyping control systems and AI on.

I love CMU’s Red Rover. Its complex range of motion and autonomous control systems are ridiculously advanced.

I think I’d have to go with the robots from the movie I,Robot, followed closely by Surrogates.

CMU’s Boss entry to the DARPA urban grand challenge

The B.E.A.M. Walkman by Tilden

I would have to go with the entire Mindstorms NXT product line. It made robotics available to kids as young as seven. It’s fascinating watching younger kids with absolutely no fear of technology building and programming their own bots.

The humanoid robot, Asimo is my favorite.

If you count the Raytheon Sarcos’ advanced exoskeleton suit then I choose it…see it here http://www.raytheon.com/newsroom/technology/rtn08_exoskeleton/

The Phoenix Hexapod

Definitely gonna go with the BigDog from Boston Dynamics as well.

Raibert’s one legged hopper - amazing robot developed by the same person who went on to found BigDog robotics. I was lucky enough to see this robot at the Boston Computer Museum over 20 years ago - amazing to watch!