JANUARY GIVEAWAY - 10 Years of GoRobotics! | RobotShop Community

What cool prizes - we homeschool - and these would be awesome.

Got to be the Sony Aibo, for the pure entertainment value :slight_smile:

My favorite robot has to be terminator awesome robot so mean and agressive. But i also like Johny5 from Lynxmotion like on my webpage.

Go Robotics…

This is easy! Just watched Short Circuit for the 100th time yesterday. I’m all for Johnny Five!

My favorite robot is “B9” the robot on the 1960’s TV Show “Lost In Space”

How more real can you get, then hearing?

“Warning Danger”, “Warning Danger”, “Warning Will Robinson”

I love the Scribbler Robots. As a matter of fact, I cannot dislike any robot because I love 'em all! hahaha

My favorite robot is Data from Star Trek. He pretty much ruled, and in time, developed a deep knowledge of what it meant to be human.


I like the Robby the Robot


I’m thinking Bender from Futurama. Maybe the idiot sphere from Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys… maybe that’s too obscure.

Wait, real robots? Oh, the pancake robot, hands down.

Just found your website. Great stuff!

Asimo…bring it on!

Big Dog - especially if they could give him a newspaper retrieving option.

Lynxmotion Johnny 5 :slight_smile:

I agree - Asimo

Robot Madeleine:

got to be Asimo

My vote goes toooooo: ASIMO!!!