JANUARY GIVEAWAY - 10 Years of GoRobotics! | RobotShop Community

It’s time to kick start our 10 Years of GoRobotics celebration! Our first giveaway features some great prizes from our sponsors, SuperDroid Robots, Apress, and Pololu. Entering this month’s contest will be simple. Here’s what you need to do: simply comment on this post and tell us your favorite robo

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/blog/show/january-giveaway-10-years-of-gorobotics

LEGO Mindstorms, of course. I’ve always been interested in robots (I’ve only managed do build some off the cheapest ones), but Lego really caught my attention.

MkMans Lego spiderbot


best use of Lego ever!!

For playing with, I love my Vex Robot :slight_smile:

My favorite robot is LEGO Mindstorms RCX.

Robbie the Robot!!!

my favorite robot is asimo !!! (:

My favorite robot is Barrett WAM!

LEGO MINDSTORMS RCX is my favorite as it was the product that got me interested in robots.

Has to be the QRIO as agile as Asimo but one third the size.

LEGO Mindstorm for the simple reason it’s got my son interested in robots

Scribbler is going to take over the world! Mwhahaha

LEGO Mindstorm is the best .

BigDog is definetly coolest robot i’ve ever seen

Honda’s ASIMO is my most favorite robot, evah!

Micro maestro!

i love asimo; he’s like a cute little astronaut! big dog is cool, but kind of freaks me out.

Marvin from “Hitchhikers Guide”
and the Scribbler

A-pod by Zenta

Astro :slight_smile: