Jade Rabbit - the moon cake delivering robot

1/19/14 - Outdoor testing to follow a hexagonal path. Direction is determined by HMC5883L.

1/18/14 - Arduino Uno is replaced with a Mega.


1/6/14 - Digital compass is operational.


1/3/14 - GPS is relocated to the outside of the body.




12/30/13 - A GPS with LCD is done.

Initial outdoor test showed the longitude, latitude measurements can vary by up to 10m.
Therefore, the indoor movement is not practical. The 2-1/2" Du-Bro wheels are good for driveway and parking lot navigation.




Autonomous waypoint navigation

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 DC gear motors
  • CPU: Arduino Mega
  • Power source: 7.4V Lipo
  • Sensors / input devices: GPS, sonar, digital compass

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/jade-rabbit-the-moon-cake-delivering-robot

you need to provide more

you need to provide more detail about your creation. it looks like just put a box on top of a wheel. what else?

GPS in a tin box?

Bit confused , i’d have thought that a GPS system inside a tin box with no external antenna would be almost as practical as a chocolate teapot ! , or does it normally run with the lid off ?

There is a window at the top


There is a window at the top so the GPS can see the sky.