Its possibly create an interesting robotics project only with scrap and junk electronics? without the free hardware aid and kits

I need help on this, i'm an begginning

creating a project with these resources...

Thanks ossipee

Thanks ossipee

Why do you have such a short
Why do you have such a short deadline that,you can’t get a microprocessor such as an Arduino?

Most of the best scrounges here have a strong background in electronics.

That being said, a good source of robot chassis are remote controlled vehicles. I made a very good robot from a robot tank on sale at Walmart and a small PC board. The tank was nice because it had two drive motors. Now I’d do it with an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi.

You might be able to find motors in toys at garage sales, but for most designs you would need two identical motors.

If the cell phone is a smart phone such as an Android, they have a computer and can be programmed in Java. Smart phones usually have some built-in sensors such as a camera, an accelerometer, and a compass. Depending on what is broken and what works, it may have a GPS. The screen might work which can give you an output device for debugging. There will also be a charging circuit for the battery.

Paperboard can be used as the base of a robot, as can cardboard.

The USB cable could be used to communicate with the cell phone or other processor.

Basically most robots need the following parts:

  1. A processor
  2. A battery to power the electronics and motors. Sometime two batteries are used.
  3. 2 Motors, maybe more. Servos make good motors because they include the motor driver board and most servos can be modified to act as normal motors.
  4. Motor drivers. These can be cheap or expensive depending on the power of the motors used. These take signals from the processor and translate these into power levels for the motor.
  5. Some sort of chassis to hold things together.

In addition you’ll also need wheels, and probably a caster (which is a wheel that can freely turn), and one or more sensors, which can be as simple as switches.

There are ways to make robots without processors and one section of the forum is devoted to this. I admire those who are willing to do this, but it’s not fun for me since I like the programming more than putting together electronics.

Good luck and happy building!

I’d go for two small geared

I’d go for two small geared motors, and two bump switches, and make something like a snail.

Then i really wish you could get more time, because making a chassis is easy with scrap material, but making motors and microprocessors from scratch is waaay harder.