I’m very excited about this, I just don’t now where to start.
I found a lot of interesting tutorial, but nothing for what I want to do, so I don’t know where to start.
I’m gonna try to explain the best I can what I want to do.
I have a room where I film music bands. I have 3 fixed installed PTZ camera.
But I wanted to add a little extra. I want to make a ramp that can go on the left, then front then right side of the band using a remote control. Like a big U.
I don’t want bluetooth, I would rather have RF.
I already found out how to make a revese gimbal to install the camera to prevent jumps, and add batteries for the weight at the bottom so it stays straight.
The part I’m not sure what to do, is the moving part along the ramp and it’s able to make the 90 degrees turn. I must be able to control the speed and also that it doesn’t go crazy once it hits the 2 ends of the ramp. I think it’s not that much about speed, if its too fast, the viewers will not like it. but because of the weight, torq may be important I think.
I thought about a lot of differet way to make the rail, i may be wrong but my best guess until now is a reverse T rail.
On this imafe the blue linnes are the T ramp. The red are the wheels. the Green are the 2 motors, the purple line would be some sort of aluminum plate over the the plate with the organge, would be the batteries and the electronic for the RF and motors. and the Brown underneat, don’T worry about it, it’s the gimbal and this part I found out how to to it.
I estimated the weight of the motors, batteries, gimbal, camera and aluminum plate will be max 4 pounds. But more like between 2 or 3.
The RF remote only needs to have a stick going left or right and the more I push on it, the faster it goes and if it release it, it will go back in the middle so doing nothing.
Am I going the wrong way with this ?
The camera is independant, But I also thought that maybe later, I couls use the up down stick to change the angle of the camera. but it’s not important really.
I don’t know what kind of motor I need or servo or rf. I even thought buy a remote control car and dismantel it… but where is the fun?
Thank oyu so much for your advise and even webistes to help me learn.
Kind regards,