I am having trouble communicating with my Stackable Bluetooth Shield V2.1 (slave) from ITEAD STUDIO. I can address the AT commands and those all seem to work fine by switching to FT232 and sending commands via the USB Port after loading a blank sketch. My next move is to get Bluetooth to work by doing the following:

  1. With just the Arduino board (Bluetooth Shield removed) I upload the following program:

void setup()
char temp;

if (Serial.available() > 0 )
temp =;
if (temp == ‘1’)
if (temp == ‘0’)

void loop()

Tested the program on COM3 without the Bluetooth Shield and it works fine.

  1. Next I unplug the Arduino board and attach the Bluetooth shield with the switch set to “Board”. Then plug the Arduino board with shield attached back in.
  2. On my laptop I add the Bluetooth device and I get two COM ports (COM5 and COM6).
  3. On the laptop I open a terminal program and try to connect to COM5. No connection.
  4. On the laptop I open a terminal program and try to connect to COM6 and it connects.
  5. If I send anything it hangs.
  6. Also tried it on my desktop. I add the Bluetooth device and try the two COM ports to try and link up with Bluetooth and I get the same response.

The D1 light on the Bluetooth Shield is always on and the D3 light on the Bluetooth Shield is always flashing.

Any suggestions?


Where you ever able to get this working? I’m about 5 hours in with the same results you described above.

In order to perform this kind of data exchange, we recommend using this library:

It takes care of many of the details of serial communication that can be time-consuming to develop.