It soon is time to have another LMR skype social weekend!

Yes, yes.

Will you get drunk, and join in? Theme will be telling people long tales about what you do when you are not making robots.

No one sticks to the theme anyway.

However, the word "Hello" is prohibited, anyone saying it will be kicked off the line.

Do you have a fast connection, can you host?

Sure pick a weekend I will
Sure pick a weekend I will be out of town. BOO!


Did I miss the first?

Dammit. I’m going to plan a UK/Ireland meet. Anyone else playing? Suggested venue would be Birmingham (purely because it’s more central than London). If the folk on the Island west of GB can’t get there, how about we have our own meet? Newry might be a good spot (because it’s not Belfast and it’s not Dublin, but it’s on the motorway between the two).

Any takers? I’m serious. This is overdue.

I envisage we book a budget hotel, bring our lastest and greatest creations, and make a day of it. (And overnighter for anyone who’s coming a good distance.)


what if?

Hawaii. thats all i have to say. its halfway between USA and China. we could buy out a cheap motel, and have LMR-Convention!


also, if i can swipe my dad’s mike, im in.(just dont tell him…) XD!

Looks like I’ll be

Looks like I’ll be reinstalling Skype then…
Keep us posted on the whens and wheres.

Im in
Im in

Will be there if I can…can
Will be there if I can…can you say "how YOU doin?!"

Holy cow, I need to hang

Holy cow, I need to hang out more often.

I’ll try to join, just lemme know when!


i think i’ll be able to join!
i think i’ll be able to join!

Dude, either you STILL haven’t got the hang of threading under Drupal, or you just agreed to come to a UK/Ireland meet.


Spot the "Joey" fan, huh?


I’m in!
I’m in!

** Great! Finally something**


Great! Finally something concerning robots and Ireland at the same time! Bummer I can’t go… <o:p></o:p>

Maybe next time <o:p></o:p>