Hi, I am having an issue connecting the the OV9281 camera sensor that came with the 1MP Mono camarray hat.
I would like to use the camera as a direct to pi camera. I’m reading that all I need to do is make sure I’m connecting to the correct dtoverlay (dtoverlay=ov9281). However when I use the libcamera-hello, no cameras are found.
I know the ribbon cable and hardware are working as I can connect to other cameras in the pivariety overlay with the pi and I can use the OV9281 with alternative hardware (luxonis).
When I try to initialize the camera with picamera2 the camera won’t initialize and I get a reminder to disable the legacy camera (already disabled).
Camera hardware OV9281 UC-788 Rev.B
Ribbon Cable Arducam UC-376
Raspberry Pi 4B
Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye), arm64
Any help would be greatly appreciated.