Issue using the OV9281 that came with the arducam camarray hat as a direct to raspberry pi camera

Hi, I am having an issue connecting the the OV9281 camera sensor that came with the 1MP Mono camarray hat.

I would like to use the camera as a direct to pi camera. I’m reading that all I need to do is make sure I’m connecting to the correct dtoverlay (dtoverlay=ov9281). However when I use the libcamera-hello, no cameras are found.

I know the ribbon cable and hardware are working as I can connect to other cameras in the pivariety overlay with the pi and I can use the OV9281 with alternative hardware (luxonis).

When I try to initialize the camera with picamera2 the camera won’t initialize and I get a reminder to disable the legacy camera (already disabled).

Camera hardware OV9281 UC-788 Rev.B
Ribbon Cable Arducam UC-376
Raspberry Pi 4B
Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye), arm64

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi @jromanelli and welcome to our forum.

Sorry to hear about the problem.

Have you bought this camera from RobotShop?

Have you already contacted Arducam support, since they would know the best how to solve this issue?

Thank you.