

Hi! This is my first robot! I was waiting a week for electronic components to arrive from UK, and then long month to find proper chasis. I found it today! Not working remotely controlled crane on tracks. I have connected motors to Picaxe via motor driver as per "Start here" and tested the chasis, it works. Now my robot can drive in zigzags. Next step - get servo hooked up...



Continuing with construction I used an empty drugs tube to contain SRF05 and hook it on servo.

SRF05 and servo

This was qite easy to do with screews provided with servo from Picaxe servo upgrade pack.

After connecting all wiring project board secured to upper housing of ex-crane :)

Nice place for project board

And a hole made to make reprogramming a piece of cake :)

Now it is time to clean out my working environment :)

... and go back to code editor. First is "Start here" robot code updated to use SRF05.

Wow! My first robot is working now!

Next will be improving his navigation skills and... thinking what else he could do apart from avoiding obstacles :)



This is my last update on IsoBot. It's got some minor improvements like second power supply, which made him move a bit better and separate switches for both power supplies.

Second power supply

And the lastupgrade was a touch sensor in front of the robot.

This is it!

I set the status of this bot to complete as I'm not planning to do anything else to it. This was my first bot and I really enjoyed building him! But.... it's time to move to my next project which I already recieved some parts for!



I did not make new video as functionality did not change lot.

Navigate around via ultrasound, avoids obstacles

  • Actuators / output devices: noname geared motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 4 AA cells
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF005, tactile switch
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

looks like it is coming along nicely.
keep up the great work. Cant wait to see it all together!

nice tracks! and a perfect

nice tracks! and a perfect platform for a first project!

keep it going :wink:

Where and how do you guys
Where and how do you guys get chassis?

Chassis hunt :slight_smile:
For me it was getting into each and every toy shop and askin for something with tracks :slight_smile:

love the pill bottle
Nice addition for the head! Very inventive. :stuck_out_tongue: Keep up the great work.

Great bot
Nice head. I really like that little ladder on it.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:
to everybody! Will try to make this bot better and better with new features and comprehensive logic :wink:

I use sheets of HPDE (High Density Poly Ethelene) and cut is into part to glue together for the base. HPDE is very machineable (any thing that works with wood works even better with it) but not recomended for anything that will see high wear as it will "sand" away.

add a gps unit!!! and have it harass the neighborhood dogs!!!

Ultrasonic sensor code

I like it, looks very clean, Any chance you might be posting the code for this?

You keep asking for code for
You keep asking for code for everyone’s robots. Trust me getting code and making it work for your robot won’t work. Start small and work you way up. Trying to build a robot to work with code is backwards and will cause way too much trouble and problems.

First goes the robot, then its code. But I will post the code soon anyway, so maybe Anthony, you could use some code snippets from it. But, as jklug80 said, building a robot for code is kind of strange at least. Do you have any programmer skills Anthony?

Why Anthony needs code :smiley: -> -> ->

"Note: Our own tutorial is coming soon"



Oh, nice…
Looks like we’ve got a parasite here???


I feel we got off on the wrong foot, but if a post will clarify this, then sure i would be happy to post. Please do not mistake my reason for asking a question, although i understand your concern. Not spamming, just read alot and had simialr questions on multiple platforms.

Apologies for misunderstanding.



No worries, mate :)Just

No worries, mate :slight_smile:

Just let’s see some of yur work in here! And also let’s see you answer some questions that people have. And make a good twss. Then you are one of the guys ;D