iRobot Roomba 500 Series Wireless Command Center Pairing Instructions

If you've recently removed the batteries from either your Wireless Command Center (WCC) or your Roomba, the WCC may need to be paired to the robot again. The pairing instructions are below:
  1. Turn the Roomba on.
  2. Before inserting the LAST battery in the Wireless Command Center, hold down the LEFT drive button while inserting the last battery. Once this is done, the WCC goes into “PAIR” mode.
  3. You should then be able to press the WCC’s buttons and make the Roomba react. This may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.
  4. To completely confirm that it’s paired, the “day” and “min” buttons MUST be held down at the same time until the entire WCC flashes ALL of its lights. It will remain paired until the batteries are taken out.