iRobot ATRV mini

Here’s a picture of my latest eBay score. These arrived yesterday and I was quite pleased when I saw the condition. the eBay auction I purchased just had a vague view of them both selling them as parts and not working. I put some new batteries in them and was surprised when both units powered up. I can drive them around the garage with the joystick. The motors are large with encoders and appear to be in a closed loop feedback with the drives. The units have lots of power move quickly. I had planned to fit at least one with remote control and cameras but after seeing they still work, I can’t bring myself to strip the electronics out of them. Besides they look really cool side by side.
Using the menu, I can access the Polaroid like sonar sensors and turn them all on at once. It sounds really cool listening to all the clicks the sensors emit. I can see the numbers on the screen changing as I wave my hand in front of the sonar sensors. Sadly, the units didn’t come with any docs so I’ll be figuring out these for a while. There’s also a PC type motherboard in each one with a 40gb harddrive. I plugged in a monitor and saw the PC boot up but I haven’t done much else with it yet.
These are in good company in my work space as I have an RWI B12, and RWI B21 and an Activmedia Pioneer 1 which looks to be made by RWI as well.


That should keep you busy.

Alan KM6VV

It really has kept me busy. These are just begging for a turret and airsoft gun. lol

It would be a shame to tare them down!

Alan KM6VV