i am trying to do something a bit like the start here robot well a lot like but i dont know how to hook up the dherp ir sensor i know how to connect it to the board but how do i connect wires to the sharp ir it is way to small to solder as it just connects the pins and female headers wont fit in the gaps what do i do thanks
im sorry but when i googled this all i got was how to hook it up to a picaxe or aurdino board the link you gave me just came up with a page saying error 404 page not found but this is probably a problem with my internet or some thing not the page so i dont really know what to google
Solder to the back
Forget soldering to the actual pins on the sharp. Instead, solder to the pads on the back. Follow the pins to where they solder to the board, then solder to these pads. You simply need to check the data sheet for the sharp itself to be sure you get the pins in the right order.
Also --is it too much to ask to get some punctuation in your questions? Maybe just a comma or two? Maybe a period here and there? --It is very hard to read without them.
Thanks .
His link
404’s because there are a couple extra spacces at the end of his posted link. If you follow his link, then click the URL bar you will see your cursor is out a couple spaces from the end of the url. Delete the spaces and reload.
do you mean here
so, do you mean here because i have tried this lots of times and my soldering iron just pus massive blobs on which ar a pain t get off.
(i am pointing to it with a pen)
:) thanks
sorry are not ar.
thank you.
ive ust realised my school have some quite fine ones i might be able to use those (probably not though)
Blobs of solder…
The blobs of solder from your iron are not the fault of the sensor, my friend --it is the fault of the iron, flux, solder, prep and technique. First off, use a small tip. Next, clean the tip, tin it properly, keep it clean (wipe constantly) and keep it tinned. Next, be sure you are not adding solder to the iron then trying to “wipe” it on to the joint. Tin the wires you are trying to solder first, then place the wire next to the pad. Now, heat both and add a small amount of fresh flux-core solder. Use small solder as well .020 or .032 would be fine. It wouldn’t hurt to use a little extra flux as well. I use a little flux “pen” which works great. You can pre-goop the pads on the sensor which will help to remove any oxidation on the factory solder and will also help with heat transfer when you go to solder.
Proper solder technique is what is holding you back here. Find some soldering tutorials, follow them and you will be all set.