Interfacing a Load Cell With an Arduino Board | RobotShop Community

Can the load cell shield with compatible(stacked) on Arduino AT Mega328p?

how to convert 614 in RAW ADC to gram or kg to show LCD display?

@Raj Please take a look at our Temperature Sensors section. The Load Cell Shield doesn’t have a built-in temperature sensor/compensation.
You are correct, The temperature sensor would be connected on your Arduino board. It can be connected through the Load Cell Shield when it’s stacked on the Arduino Board. And please remember that the Load Cell Shield uses A0 and A1 pins on the Arduino, therefore if you are planning to use an analog temperature sensor, you might need to connect it to a different analog pin than A0 and A1.
To connect a Strain Gauge to the Load Cell Shield, you might need to create a Wheatstone bridge configuration (Quarter, Half or Full bridge depending on your application).

@Arjun Yes the Load Cell Shield can be stacked on an Arduino UNO (based on the ATMega328P) as explained in the tutorial.

@imran We suggest you to read through the Load Cell Shield Arduino Library.

Hello! Can I use other load cells with load cell shield? Other cells include 200kg button load cell and 500kg s-type load cell in your company and other companies’ product

@Seunghoo Yes S-Type Load Cells can also be used with the Load Cell Shield, same as Micro Load Cells. In our Force Sensors section, you can find 100 Kg Type S Load Cell, 200 Kg Button Load Cell and 500Kg S Type Load Cell.

I’m trying to build a miniature force sensor that will have a capture rate of 5-10 Hz and deliver a graphical output, or at least multiple data points that can be later manipulated. Is this something that I can do in programming and still have a basic strain gauge or mini load cell? Looking to keep the size of the sensor to the diameter of a quarter(ish).

I have a 3-wire(black,red,white) load cell each having a capacity of 50 kg can you send me the connection diagram and the code?

@KJ You can use the Load Cell Shield interfaced with an Arduino UNO board and with the appropriate load cell. Then, you can plot the output data from the Arduino using the Processing software. This link might help you getting started.

@Dixit Please take a look at this link.

I have a load cell that is being used by some equipment and would like to make an independent measurement of this load cell while it is being used in real time. The load cell is powered by 5 volts. I have spliced ground, signal + and signal - wires from the load cell and have them going to the RB-Onl-38. I have not connected the 5 volt load cell power to the RB-Onl-38 Vcc header pin. The nominal voltage from the load cell is 2.5 volts, well within the measurement range of the RB-Onl-38. However, the RB-Onl-38’s reading doesn’t change with the change in load pin loading. If I disconnect the load pin ground from the RB-Onl-38, then the RB-Onl-38 works - but the signal is noisy
probably from the fact that the RB-Onl-38 and load pin do not share a common ground. Could you shed some light on why the RB-Onl-38 wouldn’t work with the common ground? Much thanks.

@Jeff Did you connect the RB-Onl-38 GND pin to your Load Cell power supply GND pin to have a common ground ? With the load cell GND pin connected to the RB-Onl-38 you’d still need to connect the RB-Onl-38 GND to the load cell power supply GND.

Hi, is it possible to use the Arduino as the data acquisition device for a uni directional piezoelectric sensor? If yes how much sampling rate can be achieved?

@Sajid Yes it can, though there is only so much internal memory - you might want to use an SD card shield. The sampling rate depends on the clock speed of the controller you choose.

Hi, is it possible to swap the load cell out for a full wheatstone bridge? with all 4 parts of the wheatstone bridge being strain gauges?

@Peter Load cells usually consists of four strain gauges in a Wheatstone bridge configuration.Load cells of one strain gauge (quarter bridge) or two strain gauges (half bridge) are also available. Load cells with four strain gauges have a better sensitivity and temperature compensation. Please take a look at Load Cell Wiki for more information.

i m making a project ‘smart luggage bag’ using arduino uno in which and android app is connected to arduino uno via Bluetooth
i m implementing the weighing feature in it
 so can i use load cell and how can i implement it???

Sir suggest me which sensor is suitable for CNG(compress nature gas) for measurement of CNG to display on LCD? I am waiting your Answer

@imran Your question is not related to this blog article. Please post on RobotShop’s forum instead. This being said, you might want to take a look at our Gas Sensors section