I’ve the autonomous set of the rover.
I cannot find any instructions how to go on after assembling the chassis.
How to put the Dagu pan and tilt set on the rover
Are there also any instructions for the Expansion shield?
The “default” method is to use double-sided tape. The preferred method is to use the expansion plate.
Do you mean the IO expansion shield? We have a datasheetwith more information.
Hello CBenson,
I’m a developer (no hardware freak now) jumping the first time into the IOT water with Arduino and Galileo boards.
After playing around with starter kits I thought it would be a nice idea to order your complete autonomous rover.
Your video to assemble the basic rover is fantastic.
At least I’ve still assembled the complete autonomous rover now using also the expansion plate.
But now I cannot find any information how to connect the cables of the Dagu Mini Pan and Tilt Kit, the Ultrasonic sensor, the Buzzer Module, the Dagu Compound Infrared Sensor to the Expansion Board.
If I order such a complete set I though there would be more instructions.
The programming part will be easy.
It would help if you post more pictures of the expansion board with the connected cables.
We do understand and plan to make changes to the next version of the kit accordingly. The IR compound eye pinout can be found in the product description here.
Note however that the pinout simply corresponds to the sample program for the Mr. General platform, so your code would need to change accordingly.
The buzzer is just digital and would be connected to a digital pin.
The ultrasonic sensor datasheet can be found on its product page.
The servos for the pan/tilt are meant to be connected to digital pins so you can use the Arduino Servo Library.
As indicated in the description, we strongly suggest only experimenting with one sensor at a time and we are here to help.
Thanks you for the quick response.
Is it possible that you post some more pictures like you have done in this thread:
But pictures from the back - so that the colored cables and the expansion board is visible.
I can give you more feedback if you plan to make changes.
For example the construction with the Ultrasonic sensor isn’t optimal -even with the expansion plate. With the ultrasonic sensor there is no space to place the servo in the rectangle hole on the plate.
And also the double-sided tape is sub-optimal.
I’m still excited
The connections between the IR and the IO shield would be entirely up to you actually, aside from Voltage (Vcc) and ground (GND).
The IR LEDs connect to a digital or analog p and each of the IR receivers (top, bottom, left and right) connect to analog pins.
To start, you can create basic code which provides analog output from each of the pins to which you connect the IR receivers.
If you have the expansion plate, the pan servo should fit within the servo cutout at the front, though if you have issues, please explain in more detail.
We understand the tape issue and plan to correct this in the next revision.