Instructables robot competition

Instructables is running a competition for bot-makers. It seems quite simple: Upload your HowTo on their easy to use website, and tell them it's for their competition. The only restriction is that it has to be robot related, mark the word related! It doesent have to be a robot, It can be how to buils a drive train -for robots, how to custom paint fiberglass surfaces (on robots), how to make a glove (that looks like a robot claw), or how to make a couple of wall racer or a yellow drummer. Since many of the users of LMR already document their builds on the net, winning this competition should be a breeze. We only have untill 13. July, so you better hurry up though.

You could win a trip to Robogames 2008 or a Robophilo biped


Yer, I know, they have asked

Yer, I know, they have asked me to participate :smiley:

I asked what I would get out of spending time on posting to their site (apart fom what I already have)

You can blow the jury away and win a price :smiley: They said! Well - I am still struggeling to make all the "instructables" that I want to offer in here, so pay me real money, or it is LMR first, I said :slight_smile:

No time for me at the moment, but go for it guys!

The grand prize is a trip to
The grand prize is a trip to San Francisco to compete in RoboGames!