Instructables Arduino Challenge

Found this on the instructables website...again for US citizens only :-( but I wish you good luck guys.

There are many projects on LMR which could win the please make it so ;-)

Win for us and grab the 1st prize...

@ALL: Please vote for our guys ;-)

I’m entering my robot! I’ll

I’m entering my robot! I’ll tell y’all when it gets approved to enter the contest.

No Swiss Arduino robot

No Swiss Arduino robot accepted. I skip this challenge.

**Good luck!!! **

Good luck!!! 


This is way out of my league…er…country. Well, best of luck to all LMRians who participate! :slight_smile:

It’s been accepted into the

It’s been accepted into the contest!



TurtleDuino got accepted in the Arduino’s contest.

TurtleDuino it’s been accepted in the Arduino contest. Don’t forget to vote for the little guy.



Entered and accepted too!

Hi guy’s, Instructables accepted my modular 3D frame printed Bluetooth controlled biped I call “MegaPed”: 

Tomorrow is the last day to vote.

Hey guys, tomorrow is the last day to vote at the Arduino contest.

I voted for all of you that submitted your projects to the instrutables challenge, GOOD LUCK and let’s bring it to LMR.

Just noticed this entry by

Just noticed this entry by chowmix12:

Why only yankes ?


 Why only Yankes allowed to compete?!

 Thats practically racist!!