Insect Robot

I made this insect-like robot, after searching all over the web for any robot with WiFi controller

i've picked one piece of code here, other code over there and its no good... yet !!

i'm looking for help to improve the controlling !!

it works with HMTL, it generates on his IP adress after turning on, uses softwareserial to comunicate with the ESP, i've made for an Arduino Nano in first place, but... i dont know why it don't run... i tried a lot...

i want a way to controll on the smartphone, on the HMTL he execute half of the walking... it's frustrating !! :/

anyone can help me !?

//     *****UPDATE******

i've managed to get it walking, it was just a matter of timming... after a real good looking into it, i realizes that the refreshing rate of the displayed HTML on the browser was determined by the coding on the arduino, i just went to it and decreased the delay... a lot...

i want to improve his walking skills, if anyone likes it and have some ideas, please... be my guest !!!


cheers !

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Looks really good. Is that an esp8266 radio?


yes, it is !

yes, it is !

Improving the code

Hi frumentari,

Glad that you managed to get your insect working. It hosts a web page via the ESP8266 module, and clicking on one of the links, e.g. FORWARD, goes to a routine in the Arduino code which makes it go forwards.

The thing is, the code is written to receive the command, and then perform the walk forwards, and during the walk, it is not able to receive any more commands until the walk is finished.

I’m not an expert on this type of thing, but I’d say you should attempt to rewrite the code so that it doesn’t use delay(200) commands, but uses the Arduino timer to decide when to start or stop each process. Then you can have minimal pauses, and the instructions can be received and acted on, quicker.

Look at all the delay statements in the code, and see how you can improve them. Hope this helps.


thanks for spending your

thanks for spending your time bro !!

i’ve uploaded the new code, i did some modifications on to it, but nothing like you described, indeed i am an scriptkiddie, i work at the military police here in Rio de Janeiro, and i am not graduated on computer science…  i am learning… every day… even the english writings… 


thanks for the idea man, i will look into it !!