Hi, I'm doing my final proyect and I'm having problems figuring out the infrared emitter. The problem is that the sensor has to have 10 meters range sensitivity. So the beam has to reach the object and come back. That's 20 meters. I'm doing the oscilation with a 555 in astable mode, to provide me 10KHz to 40Khz.
I've already tried the circuit with a IR Led I had, but the range is less than 10 meters.
If you’re suppying the normal operating current to the LEDs you might try cranking it up and keeping the pulses short to prevent burnout. Chuckcrunch had posted a nice link about DIY IR distance sensors but I don’t have it here at work.
10 meters are tough. I can see a big chance to get your singal scrambled.
However, increasing the power of the emitter could lead to a better signal but you still get the noice of all surounding heat sources. This could be avoided by coding the signal that the receiver just act when a specified code (e. g. morse code) is received.
What you want to achieve? Maybe with the purpose of your measuring we can help to find a alternative solution.
The circuit is for an animal repeller. Once the animal gets into a ten meter range, the detection (IR) circuit should activate the rest of the circuit.
I’ve considered using a motion sensor (available at most hardware stores) for the purpose of detecting animals. They are commonly used on outdoor motion activated lights.