
The Cardboard Prototype sans Servos

Hey everybody. My first robot was an inch worm inspired crawler. I made it with a friend in my school's summer robotics class. I wanted to share! The project started out as cardboard. We made a working model, but its movement was lame. So, we decided to make a more rigid body for the worm and let it really get the benefit of the full range of motion from the servos. Here is the result. My friend supplied the awesome paint job! Forgive the lack of documentation, I can't seem to upload more than one photo. That's fine. Also, the project came to a halt when an excess of current tore my servos apart. Hooray!


  • Actuators / output devices: Hobby Servos
  • Control method: It just goes forward
  • Power source: USB
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: none
  • Target environment: Anywhere flat

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