I'm selling my Robot Rover on eBay!


What do you think? I just found Fanuc or robots toy on eBay. I seem to be the only one with this kind of robot.

You can see more info here: http://www.itnx.com/robots/rover-robot-sentinel/

I will add more infos and pictures today on my website.

that could fit in an industrial kind of robot

industrial robots easily cost more than 2k, but they need to be able to be operated by a not techie.
It says on description that it can be controlled, but solar panels aren’t connected, works outside, but not advised.
If i’d buy a spy rover with solar panels i’d expect it to run outside, all terrains and all weather, with just a couple hour of maintenance at month at best.
Mars rover costs millions, but it doesn’t need any maintenance, runs on terrains and weather that we could barely imagine and it can be driven while being in another planet!

hi guys!

Wow, so many comments! Thank you, I will try to answer them all. First sorry about the videos, I didn’t know we could put videos on eBay, that’s why I refer to my website for videos.



The starting price seem high, but all the motors, electronics, wheels, aluminium, gears and time to make this Rover worth it I think. Yes if you can make one and have tons of free time it is expensive. But for people who like robots and would like to get one, it’s a good chance. It’s fully working out of the box.

@Dan M: The processor is specified in the description, SBC2 by Phidgets… http://www.phidgets.com/products.php?category=19&product_id=1072_0

@K120189 Yes and No… it make me discover this forum and I will come back since I made other robots and more on the ways. I would be happy to help and contribute

@Silux: You could make a fleet of aluminium rovers weighing 45 pounds for less? wow… Can I order 10? Are they also free shipping?

@Duane Degn, DangerousThing: Thanks!

@DangerousThing: Yes it is WiFi controled, and the software run on Windows. The SBC can run local java, but it’s better with WiFi for this project.

A little more info, this Rover was my first big projects with aluminium, in 2010, I didn’t have all the tools I have today (CNC, metal bender, lathe, etc…) most parts have been made with a press drill, handsaw and file! 

Yes the rover run fine outside, I was even quite surprise when it drive on the big rock you can see on the video. But the disclaimer I wrote on eBay is more a legal protection. oh one last thing, English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.

I will add more info on my websites this weekend, motors specs, boards, webcam and more.

Welcome back!

I’m indeed making a robocameraman for a start up, moving up to 10kg, with a cost of 170€, all included, made with aluminium, parts all made with CNCs and open hardware and open source. Wifi, with some motion tracking:) Probably it will be priced much higher, but should work out of the box.

If the rover it’s rugged enough for outside and made for professional use it’s worth what you are asking! But i still prefer a fleet of 2pounds mini rovers :smiley: