hi guys!
Wow, so many comments! Thank you, I will try to answer them all. First sorry about the videos, I didn’t know we could put videos on eBay, that’s why I refer to my website for videos.
The starting price seem high, but all the motors, electronics, wheels, aluminium, gears and time to make this Rover worth it I think. Yes if you can make one and have tons of free time it is expensive. But for people who like robots and would like to get one, it’s a good chance. It’s fully working out of the box.
@Dan M: The processor is specified in the description, SBC2 by Phidgets… http://www.phidgets.com/products.php?category=19&product_id=1072_0
@K120189 Yes and No… it make me discover this forum and I will come back since I made other robots and more on the ways. I would be happy to help and contribute
@Silux: You could make a fleet of aluminium rovers weighing 45 pounds for less? wow… Can I order 10? Are they also free shipping?
@Duane Degn, DangerousThing: Thanks!
@DangerousThing: Yes it is WiFi controled, and the software run on Windows. The SBC can run local java, but it’s better with WiFi for this project.
A little more info, this Rover was my first big projects with aluminium, in 2010, I didn’t have all the tools I have today (CNC, metal bender, lathe, etc…) most parts have been made with a press drill, handsaw and file!
Yes the rover run fine outside, I was even quite surprise when it drive on the big rock you can see on the video. But the disclaimer I wrote on eBay is more a legal protection. oh one last thing, English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.
I will add more info on my websites this weekend, motors specs, boards, webcam and more.