Idea for add on deck improvement


One of the things that could be done to improve the A4WD1 rover add on decks would be to add 4 holes on each deck that are in direct line with the 4 screws that hold the top rectangular cover of the rover. Once one or two decks are installed on the cover, screwing the 4 flat head screws holding the cover on the rover becomes very difficult, and these holes would permit a straight down access to the tops of these screws with a screw driver.

Best regards,


I will see what I can do. Thanks for the tip.

This also ocurred to me when I was designing the new decks for W.A.L.T.E.R. because I had to be able to easily add extra decks. I planned this to be a four deck platform for the rebuild. I just added pairs of holes for standoffs, with an inner and outer hole. This way, there is no interference when adding more decks. One other thing I did was to make the outer mounting hole the center of a standard Lynxmotion SES hole pattern, which gives me added opportunity and flexibility.


Additionally, the 4 holes would also serve the builder as an alignment reference between decks.

If we really wanted to get fancy, we could make a central hole or slot about the size of a servo mount hole that traverses all the decks in the same place. This slot would be called the spinal column access, and would ferry all wiring vertically across levels. -Migs

We have made the add on decks with a U shape to prevent the hassle of routing wires through a center hole. Trust me it’s no fun working on a robot where all the cables go through a center hole through several decks.

One other improvement would be to add one small hole on either side of the switch mounting hole such that the washer that has the small tab on a switch could be installed facing either direction and would remain immobile in that direction, since the small tab would anchor in the little hole. -Migs