October 28, 2013, 2:57pm
Hello !
I have decided to jump into I2C after dragging my feet for a couple years..
My question revolves around wanting to get 24+ 7 Segment LED drivers ( ) on the same I2C bus..
As far as I can tell I2C (from a RasPi) supports 7 bit addresses .... 128 devices WOOHOOOO !
But this doohicky has only 3 soldering bits ! NOOOOO! I was thinking… hey, mebbe Adafruit decided it was just not roomy enough to have 7 sodering pads … and if I look hard enough I can solder or short pins so that I can get all 7 bits … Looking at the datasheet - (page 26) -
I see that the chip “hardwires” the other address bits … NOOOOOOOOO!
My questions are :
Is this common practice… I’ve heard of “base address” fron I2C device manufacturers … doesn’t this (like this case) whipe out a bunch of addresses !!!
Is there any way around this ?
Is there any slave device that is nice enough to give us all 7 bits ??!?
Most devices have just a few addresses based off a base address.
Most i2c devices have just a few addresses based off a base address. You may find some that have them all though.
Programmable things like uC have it where you can choose more adreeses.
October 29, 2013, 9:13am
Thanks for all your input
Found this
(gratiously lifted from here - )
Which seemed like a feasible work-around … although it does require more chips & salsa and a bunch of work to get my 4 bits back Grrrrr…
Maybe It uses an arduino to address the 7 segment pins and brings out the i2c lines, plus, it gives you the ability to change the address.
I see that Maxim has an SPI 8 digit controller. Add a single line controlled shift register, , and you can control up to 8 more sets of 8 with a single shift register and only 3 lines. Admittedly, more chips and salsa are required for that.
October 29, 2013, 2:27pm
Thanks Birdmun !
Good find … and just a couple dollars more than Adafruits… But with an onboard ATMega328 and FTDI header… Heh, Sparkfun’s version appears a lot more “smarter”