I need know my altitude before during landing

Hi, i has been looking in several places and asking, i am an student pilot and have hard time figuring my altitude over the runway, i need (as on the airliners ) a reference for my altitude over the runway, i know i will need a lidar sensor as has faster response, an arduino or raspberry to translate the signals from the sensor to an spech module, in context
when an airplane is close to the ground, the pilot cant judge the distance from the wheels to the ground, know as flare is the movement that raise the nose and we need maintain the angle and waith for the touch , this came with the time,with the experience, in general aviation the training planes in small schools, using the analog six pack of instrument’s, and student pilots ( as i am now ) will need 100 landings to figure how high we are over the ground, i bought an ultrasonic sensor and board with led that show the distance, the input will be the signal from the proximity sensor ( even cars use then as parking aid ) i read that the output can be lights, beeps or any other option, i need translate the output to talk, found several on ebay, not know were el look for it, also this can be an actual function on quadcopters or other robots, have any similar device?

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