I made a my first PID code and now I want to make it work with a small robotic car

So I wanted to LEARN how PID control system work. Really learn and understand what is going on. So I watched THIS video and a few other like it, I read some articles, online tutorials, read the wikipedia and tried my best to understand the math. (I'm not great with this stuff). My goal was to code my own PID control system from nothing. 

My test bench was a servo with a breadboard glued to the moving arm of the servo and the BNO055 sensor plugged into that breadboard. If my PID program can keep the sensor pointed at 90 degrees while I move the test bench around with my hand then I have successfully made a functional PID program. I began with P and then I and finally D. I finished that code and while tuning was a long annoying process of trial and error my test bench could use the servo to keep the BNO055 pointed at 90 degrees no matter what direction I moved it.

I want to move forward with my PID program. I want to test in in a scenario where I can really see it's effectiveness. My plan is to make a small car that will point at whatever angle I tell it to. If I give it a light tap and it moves off course it MUST correct for the error and get back on track.

The reason I am making this post is because I'm not sure how to use a single PID output to control 2 motors. Sure I can do something like this.

pidOutput = map(pidOutput, -150, 150, 0, 255);

I can just make the output the PWM of the motor but if I am using 2 motors wont that mean that BOTH motors will be doing the exact same thing? It wont be able to steer at all.

I am here to ask how can I convert the output of a PID system to something that can steer the car if my only way to steer the car is one motor spinning faster or slower than another motor.

Here is my PID code I used for the servo test stand. If anyone has anything to critique I'd glady take the advice. I've been doing this kind of robotics on and off for a few years now. Still learning.



//Add libraries required for certain tasks

#include <Wire.h> //allows us to use I2c communication (in this case for comminication with BNO055 sensor)

#include <Servo.h> //allows easy communication with servos

#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> //required for BNO055 sensor

#include <Adafruit_BNO055.h> //required for BNO055 sensor

#include <utility/imumaths.h> //required for BNO055 sensor


Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(55); //i2c address for BNO055


Servo servo; //declare a servo and give it a name (servo)


float desiredAngle = 90; //The value (in degrees) we are trying to reach with our PID control system

float currentAngle; //The current value of our current degrees

float errorAmount; //The difference between our current degrees and our desired degrees (zero)

float proportionalGain = 0.004; //Gain term for the P in PID, adjust this to fine tune the system

float pidOutput; //Output of the proportional

float integralGain = 0.2; //Gain term for the I in PID, adjust this to fine tune the system

float errorSum; //Accumulate the errors over time to add to the integral

float derivativeGain = 1.3; //Gain term for the D in PID, adjust this to fine tune the system

float lastError = 0; //Subtract this from current error to get errorChange;

float errorChange; //Multply this by the Dgain for the D output


//Setup, everything in this bracket will happen once at the start before the main loop begins

void setup(void) 


  servo.attach(3); //Our servo's signal cable is plugged into pin 3 on the microcontroller

  servo.write(180);//Reset Servo and calibrate position of degrees for BNO055 IMU

  delay(1000); //Wait 1 second

  Serial.begin(9600); //Initiate Serial Communication (9600 baud rate)

  //Check to see if everything is okay with the BNO055 sensor



    Serial.print("BNO055 error");



  bno.setExtCrystalUse(true); //required for BNO055 sensor


  Serial.println("3"); delay(250); Serial.println("2"); delay(250); Serial.println("1"); delay(250); //Lets me know program is running when I open Serial Monitor



//Main loop function

void loop() 


  proportionalOutput(); //Do the function written below

  Serial.print("PID Output: "); Serial.print(pidOutput); Serial.print("     Current Angle: "); Serial.print(currentAngle); //print out in serial, useful for troubleshooting 

  pidOutput = map(pidOutput, 165, -165, 0, 180); //convert the PID signal to degrees from 0 to 180 (the amount the servo can travel in degrees)

  Serial.print("     mapped output: ");Serial.print(pidOutput); //more data print to serial, again as said before useful for troubleshooting

  Serial.print("     error amount: "); Serial.println(errorAmount); //more data print to serial, again as said before useful for troubleshooting

  servo.write(pidOutput);//move the servo with the signal from the converted pid output  



//Pid loop

float proportionalOutput()

  //Get sensor event

  sensors_event_t event;  



  currentAngle = (event.orientation.x); //Read the sensor value for X and save it to variable currentAngle

  //IMU goes from 0-360, however nothing says 0 and 360 can't be 1 degree apart, this confuses the program, so convert the 2nd half passed 180 back to 179 and below

  if(currentAngle > 180)


    currentAngle = (360 - currentAngle);



  //Proportional Calculation

  errorAmount = desiredAngle - currentAngle;

  pidOutput = errorAmount * proportionalGain;


  //Integral Calculation

  errorSum += errorAmount;

  pidOutput += errorSum * integralGain;


  //Derivative Calculation

  errorChange = errorAmount - lastError;

  pidOutput += errorChange * derivativeGain;

  lastError = errorAmount;


//Gain values need to be tuned further, pain in the @ss




Its been around 1 day now and no replies and since then I have finished the car and began working on making my PID program work for the car.

Few things. First, while my OLD code (above) worked for fine for the servo test stand I built it seems to be broken now. If my integral gain is anything above 0 the error builds up over and over forever. My pidOutput goes way out of control. I haven't made any changes to it all so I have no idea what is going on. I'll revisit that later. For now my goal has been to get the CAR to work with the PID system with only having the P gain turned on, the I and D left at zero.

The way I have tried to solve my previous question (how to get a PID output to control 2 motors to turn a car) is to add the PID output to the speed of the wheel. For example. If the car is to the right of my desired angle, right motor's speed value will have the PID output added to it's sum. If the car is to the left of my desired angle the left motor's speed value will have the PID output added to its sum.

At the same time the left motor speed will = the right motor speed - pidOutput OR the right motor speed will = the left motor speed - pidOutput. It just depends on what side of my desired angle it is at.

Sadly right now the car just spins in circle haha

Here is the code.


//Add libraries required for certain tasks

#include <Wire.h> //allows us to use I2c communication (in this case for comminication with BNO055 sensor)

#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> //required for BNO055 sensor

#include <Adafruit_BNO055.h> //required for BNO055 sensor

#include <utility/imumaths.h> //required for BNO055 sensor


Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(55); //i2c address for BNO055


float desiredAngle = 0; //The value (in degrees) we are trying to reach with our PID control system

float currentAngle; //The current value of our current degrees

float errorAmount; //The difference between our current degrees and our desired degrees (zero)

float proportionalGain = 1.4; //Gain term for the P in PID, adjust this to fine tune the system

float pidOutput; //Output of the proportional

float integralGain = 0; //Gain term for the I in PID, adjust this to fine tune the system

float errorSum; //Accumulate the errors over time to add to the integral

float derivativeGain = 0; //Gain term for the D in PID, adjust this to fine tune the system

float lastError = 0; //Subtract this from current error to get errorChange;

float errorChange; //Multply this by the Dgain for the D output


const int leftForward = 5;

const int leftBackward = 4;

const int rightForward = 3;

const int rightBackward = 2;


const int speedRightInput = 6;

const int speedLeftInput = 7;


int speedRight = 150;

int speedLeft = 150;


//Setup, everything in this bracket will happen once at the start before the main loop begins

void setup(void) 


  Serial.begin(9600); //Initiate Serial Communication (9600 baud rate)


  //Check to see if everything is okay with the BNO055 sensor



    Serial.print("BNO055 error");




  bno.setExtCrystalUse(true); //required for BNO055 sensor


  pinMode(leftForward, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(leftBackward, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(rightForward, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(rightBackward, OUTPUT);


  pinMode(speedRightInput, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(speedLeftInput, OUTPUT);


  digitalWrite(speedRightInput, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(speedLeftInput, HIGH);


  Serial.println("3"); delay(250); Serial.println("2"); delay(250); Serial.println("1"); delay(250); //Lets me know program is running when I open Serial Monitor



//Main loop function

void loop() 


  pidLoop(); //execute function


  //if we're to the right of 0 then add the PID value to the speed of right motor and keep left motor at steady speed 

  if(currentAngle > 0)


    speedRight = 150; //make sure the number doesn't blow up into something in the thousands, reset it every loop

    speedRight += pidOutput;

    analogWrite(speedRightInput, speedRight);

    speedLeft = speedRight - pidOutput;


  //if we're to the left of 0 then add the PID value to the speed of left motor and keep right motor at steady speed 

  if(currentAngle < 0)


    speedLeft = 150; //make sure the number doesn't blow up into something in the thousands, reset it every loop

    speedLeft += pidOutput;

    analogWrite(speedLeftInput, speedLeft);

    speedRight = speedLeft - pidOutput;










//Pid loop

float pidLoop()

  //Get sensor event

  sensors_event_t event;  



  currentAngle = (event.orientation.x); //Read the sensor value for X and save it to variable currentAngle

  //IMU goes from 0-360, however nothing says 0 and 360 can't be 1 degree apart, this confuses the program, so convert the 2nd half passed 180 back to 179 and below

  if(currentAngle > 180)


    currentAngle = (360 - currentAngle);

    currentAngle = -currentAngle; //so instead of 3-2-1-0-1-2-3, we get -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, if you know what i mean, makes it easy to know if im to the right or to the left of 0



  //Proportional Calculation

  errorAmount = desiredAngle - currentAngle;

  pidOutput = errorAmount * proportionalGain;


  //Integral Calculation

  errorSum += errorAmount;

  pidOutput += errorSum * integralGain;


  //Derivative Calculation

  errorChange = errorAmount - lastError;

  pidOutput += errorChange * derivativeGain;

  lastError = errorAmount;


  pidOutput = map(pidOutput, 45, -45, 0, 30); //convert the PID signal to small number that can be added to motor speed right or left depending on what side of angle 0 we are



void forward()


  digitalWrite(leftForward, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(leftBackward, LOW);

  digitalWrite(rightForward, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(rightBackward, LOW);



//Serial Print Data

void printData()


  Serial.print("PID Output: "); Serial.print(pidOutput); Serial.print("     Current Angle: "); Serial.print(currentAngle); //print out in serial, useful for troubleshooting 

  Serial.print("     mapped output: ");Serial.print(pidOutput); //more data print to serial, again as said before useful for troubleshooting

  Serial.print("     error amount: "); Serial.print(errorAmount); //more data print to serial, again as said before useful for troubleshooting 

  Serial.print("     speed RIGHT: "); Serial.print(speedRight);

  Serial.print("     speed LEFT: "); Serial.println(speedLeft);  



Of course I was able to record some of the data from my serial monitor while testing. Here (below) is currently what the car does the moment I turn it on. (shown with numbers) Image came out small, link to imgur: http://imgur.com/a/Phm2S



Here (below) is another image from my serial monitor that is running when the car is stationary and I'm just turning it around with my hand and reading sensor/pidOutput data. The image seems small, link to imgur: http://imgur.com/a/MtyDl


I wanted to see what the car thinks is happening when I am moving it with my hand. This screenshot makes sense to me. My desired angle is 0. Therefore the error is 0. My base speed for the car is 150, and so since it is at zero the car is moving (not actually moving remember, its stationary, this is basically just a simulation) straight, both motors same speed.

As the angle begins to go off course to the RIGHT of the desired angle the PID tries to compensate and as you can see the right motor speeds up to try to conpensate for the angle not being 0. So WHY in REAL application when the motors are spinning and I put it on the ground I get the result of the FIRST screenshot is beyond my understanding. If anyone is able to see what I have missed or maybe something I have forgotten that would be really great help.



So as the angle veers right,
So as the angle veers right, the right motor speed increases. How could the angle not immediately start turning back to the left? I could understand oscillations, but your graphs don’t indicate the angle ever reflecting the increased right motor speed.

I have since solved this problem

I re-wrote the entire program from scratch. Made it a tiny bit cleaner and easier to understand (subjective). It may have had to do with the way I map the pidvalues to the motor speed. 

pidOutput = map(pidOutput, 45, -45, 0, 30);

If that pidOutput ends up going above 45 or -45 everything goes to ■■■■■ Multiply problems arrise. So I increased those number by a lot. That’s just a bandage however. What I really need to do is replace those numbers with variables that are equal to the pidOutput + 1; < wow I just did that…I’ve been coding for 13 hours straight (took a break for my birthday cake/watched Okja on Netflix). I have some other ideas with using the constrain function but that’s only if my better maping idea fails.

Basically if the car goes beyond 40 degrees away from my setpoint in either direction the pidOutput surpasses the map values I give it and the entire thing goes to ■■■■ and some new bugs I don’t even have data for appear. I’m going to fix this with my v3 of the code. But for that I’m switching away from this crappy arduino mega and plugging my teensy 3.6 in. Then I’m going to add datalogging so I can read the data even if it’s not plugged into the computer when its running. That being said my V2 of the code is decent. Once tuned (mostly tuned, honestly I could spend 4 more hours tuning and it still wouldn’t be perfect) the car has a rough start for the first 2 feet but is mostly on a straight path. Its alright but not nearly good enough. Who knows maybe if I learn how auto-tuning works I can avoid the hours of sitting down, typing in new PID gains, plugging it in, upload, unplug, stand up, walk to living room, place it down, turn it on, watch it fail, pick it up, go back to computer, repeat.

Here is the current v2 code. I’m in the middle of adding a counter that tells me how many updates I get per second with this slow arduino mega. I just want to compare it with my teensy 3.6. So just ignore some of the incomplete BNO counter stuff.

//Add libraries required for program

#include <Wire.h>

#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>

#include <Adafruit_BNO055.h>

#include <utility/imumaths.h>


//I2C address for BNO055

Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(55);


//BNO055 Sensor

float heading = 0;

float desiredHeading = 0;


//PID Controller

float Kp = 12; //Proportional gain

float Ki = 1.5; //Integral gain

float Kd = 5; //Derivatiive gain


float P = 0; //Error in course (heading - desiredHeading)

float I = 0; //Sum of errors (I = I + error)

float D = 0; //Difference in errors (error - previousError)


float error = 0; //Error in course (heading - desiredHeading)

float previousError = 0; //Previous error in course (heading - desiredHeading) 

float pidValue = 0; //Final output of PID controller



const int leftForward = 5;

const int leftBackward = 4;

const int rightForward = 3;

const int rightBackward = 2;


const int rightInput = 6;

const int leftInput = 7;


int speedRight = 200;

int speedLeft = 200;


//BNO Update Counter

int bnoCounter = 0;


void setup() 


  //Initialize serial



  //Initialize BNO055 


  bno.setExtCrystalUse(true); //required for BNO055 sensor


  //Initialize motors

  pinMode(leftForward, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(leftBackward, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(rightForward, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(rightBackward, OUTPUT);


  pinMode(rightInput, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(leftInput, OUTPUT);


  digitalWrite(rightInput, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(leftInput, HIGH);


  //Serial print 3,2,1

  Serial.println(“3”); delay(250); Serial.println(“2”); delay(250); Serial.println(“1”); delay(250);



void loop() 


  //Perform PID maths




  //Reset values to prevent snowball before the below calculations

  speedRight = 202;

  speedLeft = 202;


  //Apply PID based on our current position either left/right of heading

  if(heading > 0)


    speedRight = speedRight + pidValue;

    speedLeft = speedLeft - pidValue;

    speedRight = map(speedRight, -450, 450, 150, 255);

    speedLeft = map(speedLeft, -450, 450, 150, 255);

    analogWrite(rightInput, speedRight);

    analogWrite(leftInput, speedLeft);


  if(heading < 0)


    speedLeft = speedLeft + pidValue;

    speedRight = speedRight - pidValue;

    speedLeft = map(speedLeft, -450, 450, 150, 255);

    speedRight = map(speedRight, -450, 450, 150, 255);

    analogWrite(leftInput, speedLeft);

    analogWrite(rightInput, speedRight);



  //Print data for debugging



  //Move forward




//Calculate PID maths

void calculatePID()


  P = error; 

  I = I + error;

  D = error - previousError;

  pidValue = (KpP) + (KiI) + (Kd*D);

  previousError = error;



//Get heading and calculate error

void calculateError()


  //Get sensor event

  sensors_event_t event;  



  heading = (event.orientation.x); //Get heading


  //BNO Update Counter

  bnoCounter = bnoCounter + 1;


  //Convert # above 180 to # under 180 and flips +/= signs

  if(heading > 180)


    heading = (360 - heading);

    heading = -heading;


  error = heading - desiredHeading ; //Calculate error  



//Print serial data for debugging

void serialPrint()


  Serial.print("heading: “); Serial.print(heading);

  Serial.print(”  ||  PID: “); Serial.print(pidValue);

  Serial.print(”  ||  Right Speed: “); Serial.print(speedRight);

  Serial.print(”  ||  Left Speed: "); Serial.println(speedLeft);



//Move forward

void forward()


  digitalWrite(leftForward, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(leftBackward, LOW);

  digitalWrite(rightForward, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(rightBackward, LOW);




You realize there are pid libraries for doing this?

Dear: Accelangel

I have seen an instructable of someone doing exactly what you are doing with a pid library of there own. Give me some time to find it. It could be for the better or for the worse. Good luck!!!

From: Noah