Hydraulic Robot Arm

Picked up a neat wooden robotic arm that uses three linked pairs of syringes as a hydraulic system. One pair swivels the base. Another lifts and lowers the arm. The third actuates the gripper. I used some Gareth-style DIY linear actuators to drive the control syringes, hooked them up to a Dagu Mini Driver board, and now I have a simple programmable hyrdaulic robot arm. The Arduinio code is in the attached zip file.

First Video: Test of the stock hydraulic robot arm from Marbles the Brain Store

Second Video: Test of th earm with one syringe controlled by a linear actuator. 

I take the arm to exhibit at my local children's museum, and it came to World Maker Faire 2016, where it was very popular.

If you are not very familiar with how hydraulics work (I wasn't until I researched it for this project), check out my hydraulics skill builder for robots post on Make.

Swivels, lifts, and grabs.

  • Power source: 12V DC

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/hydraulic-robot-arm

That’s very cool. With the

That’s very cool. With the hydraulic you will never experience servo jitter :smiley:

In fact servo jitter is not

In fact servo jitter is not really an issue in this case. The large number of turns needed to move the linear actuator means that any small jitter in the driving servo are not noticable anyway.

Gareth’s DIY actuator design works really well for this application. I have two more servos that are literally on the slow boat from China. Can’t wait to get the other two actuators rigged up!

Great discovering!

Hey this is a nice discovery!

Of course you couldn’t avoid to automatize it, and the sound is funny too! It’s interesting that you filled the hidraulic circuit with colours as they are more convenient then to avoid moving the wrong part :wink:

I think all of us are deligted by inventions from Leonardo. I saw some great toys in the provider site, but the makey makey one is great and funny also!

Nice robot. I heard a kid could make one.

Dear: Ignoblegnome

I remember seeing a video of kids making these robots. Very cool. Now you get better control without servos. Well done.

From: Noah

Thanks, Francisco. I can’t

Thanks, Francisco. I can’t claim and credit for the coloring in the water. It was suggested right in the assembly instructions. It does look cool, though. 

Once I get all the syringes automated, I want to add a joystick for control.

FYI, they are actually coming out with a new, smaller version of the Makey Makey.

That’s the coolest thing

That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen some pretty cool things!

Wow, that’s pretty high

Wow, that’s pretty high praise! 

Though in truth, I can’t agree. I’ve seen cooler things on this website alone!

Yes, but

Yes Ignoble :slight_smile:

But you followed well the instructions with tips and that was great to see working with videos.

The smaller version of Makey Makey Go is cool too! Thanks for the tip :wink:

OK, I’ll agree with you on

OK, I’ll agree with you on that. I’ll change mystatement to,

I’m the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.