Hydraulic analogy



Being a helicopter mech and have years of exp in troubleshooting hydraulics I found this simple explanation of circuitry and basic components much easier to understand than just cracking a text book and jumping in over my head. I hope this help other newbies like me.

This analogy uses the hydraulic motian through a set of pipes and components to help explain the movement of electricty through a circit. Hope this helps some of the more mech minded types out there.

this is what i used to learn
this is what i used to learn about electronics, well a version of it. helped me learn soooo much faster. i remember thinking, “oh duh, why didn’t i get that before”.

Larger image.Lots of good

Larger image.

Lots of good information on that wiki!

Thanks, I might actually try
Thanks, I might actually try to understand these thingeys one day!