

I saw from your website that you are selling writing and drawing machines and I am interested in buying one, since I need it for my business (for writing handwritten letters to my customers).

In this line I would like to answer me some questions regarding the machines. First of all, I wanted to know how many letters per hour can this machine write, e.g I want to know whether this machine can print 100 letters per day? Secondary thing that I wanted to ask is how do we add a feeding mechanism? i.e. no manual lining up of paper, a feeder does it. Can you please explain me this process?

Thank you for your time and I am looking forward for the answer.

All the best,

Hello @Marinela1991 and welcome to the RobotShop community,

I wanted to know how many letters per hour can this machine write

That will depend on the design of the letter. But just to give you an idea the maximum XY travel speed is 11 inches (28 cm) per second and you can see a video demonstration in the multimedia section on the product page.

I want to know whether this machine can print 100 letters per day

Probably, but I suggest you visit Axidraw’s forum so that users who have experience with this machine can guide you.

how do we add a feeding mechanism?

Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not currently offer an auto-feed mechanism for AxiDraw. However, there has been a few cases where people have used them.

Some are home-built mechanisms — complex and special-purpose. Some others are as simple as a cheap inkjet printer set in front of the AxiDraw, to “print” a blank page before printing each page with the AxiDraw.

More commonly, though, people use existing paper handling tools. Print shops have tools to move paper from point A to point B, and the print shops that are using our machines use standard paper handling tools to put material in front of them.

I hope this information is helpful to you


Dear Geraldine,

I’m pursuing the same solution. Would you be so kind to provide with me the link or contacts of people or custom self-made products who have achieved this goal by adding feeding mechanism to get inspirated to perform so, whether with cheap inkjet printer or something else.

I would appreciate it so much.


Best Regards,


Hello @d_pascal_eu,

Unfortunately, I don’t have the contacts of the people who have created the feeding mechanisms for the Axidraw. But I suggest checking the Axidraw forum, maybe you can find some of the people who have done it there.

Good luck!

Hello, can this write both landscape and portrait? Also would it be able to write on a typical compliment slip? One last question, can you make it write handwriting on a page maybe not in a perfect line etc so it looks realistic?

Hello @robotCL and welcome to the RobotShop community,

Yes, you can write both landscapes and portrait, and on a typical compliment slip, check pages 17 and 18 on the manual.

You can achieve realistic handwriting by using fonts but if you don’t want the text to be in perfect lines you would need a design in vector form for drawing, so you would need to trace it first. The Axidraw is run from Inkscape so if you want to get creative with your designs I suggest investigating it.