HS-485HB Servos in Phoenix

I recently purchased the Phoenix. I was given a choice of HS475 or HS485 servos for 6 of the 18 servos. I chose the HS485 servos. They appear to be too big for the brackets when the bearing is installed. In assembly step 2 you attach a bearing to a multi purpose bracket and attach two brackets together. Then in a later step, you install the HS645 in the bracket without the bearing and the HS475/485 in the bracket with the bearing. But with the bearing installed, the bottom of the HS485 hits the nut that holds the bearing and does not allow the HS485 to seat properly in the bracket. An HS645 fits properly in that position (it is slightly smaller than the HS485), but not the HS485. I’m also guessing, possibly, that an HS475 would fit Ok. But it appears the HS485 is too big.

Is this right? Anyone else using these servos? This seems to basic to be a problem. Tell me I’m wrong. I suppose the bracket can be bent and this can be forced to fit, but this seems wrong.



I believe Lynxmotion are working on this. Check this thread: lynxmotion.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5597.

Thanks…helpful. It’s hard to understand why Lynxmotion is shipping these servos with this kit with this known problem. Now I’m sitting here with a $1000 kit that I’m not sure what to do with. Very disappointing. All they had to do was say that the HS485s don’t fit properly and they recommend the HS475s. I hope they remedy this with me quickly. It seems like forcing the servos into the brackets could cause slight issues with the kinematics code and is not a real solution. Disappointing to say the least.

Lynxmotion, come on, help me out here.


Win I posted some information about this on the thread zenta referenced above. If you are in a hurry and can not wait for them to work out the solution then you can try what I have indicated. It works with a different chassis so no reason to expectit will not work on the phoenix.
Regardless it is pretty rare any of the official Lynxmotion staff are responding to questions on the forums over the weekends.
I am sure more official information, or at least an acknowledgement of your request, will be available Monday morning to help you out.

As I mention on the other thread this is a tight fit, but can be forced. We just received sample components to fix it. Testing is done and the parts are on order. We are adding a half height nut to all kits that used to use the 475 and are now using the 485.

I believe Lynxmotion responded to the problem as soon as they learned about it. I’ll bet they’ll ship you the new nuts to fix the problem, if they haven’t already!

Alan KM6VV