How to set the robot comport?

hi all how are u doing hope everything is going fine um having that much problem … i controlled the robot using the cable i got with it using a c# application that i used ,i want to move to another phase to make it wireless bluetootheverything is going fine between two computers but when i connect the robot nothing worked so i guessed if i can set the robot port (baudrate, rtsflowcontrol,dtrflowcontrol,HardwareFlowControl&SoftwareFlowControl)
can anyone help me to set my port on the robot to make it compatable with the settings i made on my pc to control the robot
the command that i wrote and worked with me is :
SERIN S_IN, I9600, [MyStr]
so i just set the buadrate only and what about the rest …???
can anyone help me ill be approciated thanx so much

You’ll need to help us help you.

Are you using a kit or a rover of your own creation?

What piece of hardware are you trying to send to?

What bluetooth module are you using?
Does it have pins labeled RTS and CTS?

Off the top of my head…
You’ll need to set all 3 to the same baud rate.
If the bluetooth defaults to 9600 baud (and most do) then you’ll need to setup your robot’s hardware/software and you’re PC’s software for 9600 baud.
The SSC-32 is set with jumpers (see the manual) and the ABB is setup in software.
You’re C program will undoubtedly have a variable to set for 9600 baud.

As for the rest of the parameters, those should be set in software on the PC.
Each, again, will probably have it’s own variable
Parity = none
Flow Control = none
Stop Bit = 1
Data Bits = 8

There may/may not be ways to setup your hardware (both the Bluetooth and the SSC-32/ABB) for those parameters.
That’ll depend upon what you’ve got.

Remember to connect the RX of the bluetooth to the TX of the robot.
Remember to connect the TX of the bluetooth to the RX of the robot.
Remember to connect the GND of the bluetooth to the GND of the robot.
If you have flow control pins (RTS and CTS) and don’t want to use them, you can short CTS to RTS in most bluetooth modules to disable hardware flow control.

Be very sure that you’re sticking logic level voltage, 0V or 5V (somewhat innacurately called TTL) into each other.
Systems like PCs use RS232 which is around -12V or 12V.
That tends to fry the ports of logic level devices when you attempt to connect them together.
When in doubt, get out the volt meter.

sorry for not idenifying my robot but it is 4wd 1
( )

my robot is a rover ABB 4wd 1
( ) Promi-SD202
and i wrote my code on the c# and set the
baudrate = 9600
RTS flowcontrol = disabled
DTR flowcontrol = disabled
HardwareFlowControl = enabled
SoftwareFlowControl = disabled
stop bits =1
This is my question …
and if yes how i can set them on the robot the only command i wrote on the ABB is
SERIN S_IN, I9600, [MyStr]
which i think have adjusted only the buadrate to 9600 .
so anyone can pls help me as soon as he can cause i dont have except two weeks for delivering my graduation project and here um stuck thanx so much for ur effort ,ur help means so much for me