How to make your first robot

Haha well, ignoblegnome,

Haha well, ignoblegnome, after much poking and proding with the ol’ voltmeter, it looks like the “bluesmoke” is only hanging out at power in pins. Everywhere else registers zero zero zero even at 2000mV threshold on the meter. I took out the chips and tested many of the different V+/Grnd combinations. Nothing. So, it doesn’t seem like current is reaching anything past the initial contact point. Guess I’ll have to order another board. But how do I know if need to order new chips? I’m guessing the resistor array should be fine, hard to fry. But the processor might have been damaged. Is there a way of telling if the chip itself is fried? (sorry to drag this on)

servo trouble?

I am at the stage in this project where I’m trying to program the robo to follow my commands, and everything has gone well so far (cable set up, right firmware selected, when F5 is pressed the robo connects/downloads/configures the program into the chip successfully) up to this point: When everything is ready to go, the robot just doesn’t respond at all.
Is it possible that the servo is broken? I have new batteries and everything…

Also, when the batteries are in and I’m fiddling around with the servo cable, and lightly touch the servo cable to the board (not fully plugging it in) it reacts and twists clockwise, but it doesn’t react at all if I plug it in the whole way.

This is what is currently programmed to the chip:

servo 0, 75

wait 2

servo 0, 225

wait 2

servo 0, 150

wait 2


I’m hoping I’m just doing something idiotic here, but I’d really appreciate any help at all!


By the way, great tutorial and community here :slight_smile:

Thank you.

It sounds as if you are

It sounds as if you are plugging in the Servo cable the wrong way - can you take a picture?


Above and underneath board

By the way, that's styrofoam on the right


My guess is that you damaged

My guess is that you damaged the +V trace, so the power pins get power, but it doesn’t reach the rest of your board. 

Before you order a new board, try this. Read through this tip about the Picaxe 28 Project Board. Pay attention to the bits about power. You can connect power from the batteries to an alternative point on the board. If all you damaged was a single trace from the power input pin, this may work. 

Do you have a solderless breadboard? You can insert each chip and wire up power and ground. Then test to see if you get voltages on any of the outputs. Check the Picaxe Manual 1 for info on how to hook up that chip. Search for the datasheets for your other chips to see how they need to be connected.

Er, styrofoam is full of

Er, styrofoam is full of yucky static electricity. This is bad for circuit boards.

Your servo looks like it is hooked up correctly. It is jumping when you initially connect it, because it is getting power as you connect it. It may or may not be getting a nice command on the signal line to tell it where to go.

You said your robot ‘doesn’t go’. Do the wheels not work either, or is it just the servo?

Thanks for the heads up about the styrofoam… I had no clue haha…

After I program the chip, nothing responds at all. The only response I have ever had with the robot is when I physically tweak the servo cable by touching the metal tips to the connector pins.

Maybe he just needs a good whisky to loosen up lol
Thanks for the help guys.

Oh wow, so are you saying

Oh wow, so are you saying that if I solder the V+ connecting wire into some other V+ pin hole on the board, it’s all the same? I mean, logically it works for me, but I guess that’s the kind of confidence I’m only starting to build. If yes, then that’s awesome. I was literally on my way to order a new board when I notice you had replied back. Thank you!

I will also get out to Radioshack and buy myself a bread board and test out the chips. Just so I’m clear, you’re saying to put the chips into the breadboard (in the appropriate spots of course), connect the V+ and the Grnd so that supposedly, power should be flowing through the chip. Then I should test with my meter at any one of the output pins (while of course having my meters Grnd cable connected to ground)?

I’m so stoked. Not sure what I’m going to do for fun if I run out of problems to fix haha.

OK. I think you confused us

OK. I think you confused us with the talk about the servo. 

Let’s take a step back. Does the Picaxe Programing Editor report that you have successfully downloaded the program?

Yep, I noted this in the
Yep, I noted this in the first comment. The program reports that the chip has successfully downloaded the program, yet nothing responds after all is set and ready to go. What I meant by my last comment was that the only way that the servo (or anything) reacts is via fiddling with the servo cable.
I hope that makes things clearer! :slight_smile:

Opps! Sorry, you certainly

Opps! Sorry, you certainly did say that.

Did you run through the tests that Frits recommends under the section ‘Programming’? That will let you test each little component by itself. Try each test out and let us know what happens.


The servo will "twitch"

The servo will “twitch” when you apply power to it whether there’s a servo signal going to it or not. Every time you slide the slide connector on the V+ and GND pins it should react. If it doesn’t then you probably have a power supply issue.


Finally have everything dialed in and running smooth. Thanks a lot to ignoblegnome for all the help. Came through with the perfect advice, just in time. I’m hooked. Next up, I’m going to add a Pololu IRS02A sensor array and program it to avoid going over drops and to follow lines. Frame is made of chemically welded (Cl2CH3) acrylic. Cheers!







Glad I could help.The robot

Glad I could help.

The robot looks great. Please post it as a robot page!

Few issues

I did the basics and everything is great.  Worked with the programming, learned it, and then wrote my own “autonomous” code for the robot to wander around.  Here’s the issues I have:

How or what needs upgraded to detect when it is stuck?

I want to add sound to it like a tune of whistling while it is moving around but the darlington chip is removed for the DIL 330 resistance chip.  How do I go around adding sound when the darlington chip is not in?

Is there a way to speed up and slow down the motor wheels?  Basically the coding is low 4 high 5 low 6 high 7 and that makes it go forward so pretty much seems to be just an on and off command.

Newbie so please forgive :slight_smile:

There are a ton of ways to

There are a ton of ways to add sound. And to add amplifiers. But to answer you directly, while not advising or distracting: Take out the 330 ohm, use the Darlington for sound.

Hook servo up like this (use wires and stuff, no way to fit on board - search “picaxe dummies”, to get more info about the board and the stuff i describe below)

Black: Ground
Red: V2
Yellow/White/Orange (signal, the last wire): 330 Ohm resistor -> direct out from Microcontroller (no darlington, the outs just next to the chip)

To make robot do more complex stuff, like back out: It’s all in the programming: Break everything down into small bits, make one thing work at a time: Stop when facing a wall - make it work. Look to left. Make that work,  and on and on… :slight_smile:

Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been away

I haven’t connected the “head” (sensor) yet, however I’ve programmed a few bits and pieces as recommended, and unfortunately I’ve had no response as of yet.

attached is a picture of one successful download, and the servo still didn’t move an inch afterward.

I also tried this:

high 4

low 5

^the wheels didn't move,

and also this:

readadc 0, b0
goto main

Even though I haven't connected the head yet, a table did come up and b0 did spout out some variables, so I'm not sure if this means the chip is actually registering some stuff that Im doing to the robot or not...

Any clues?

Thanks for the help again,




-Absolutely Clueless

Hardware issue

Can you please take a picture of the top and bottom of your board? Sounds like a hardware issue.

I agree. The program seems

I agree. The program seems fine, so something’s not right with the hardware. Maybe you have mis connected some stuff.

Please be sure your pictures are clear and focused and show all the connections.

Here you go

Here you go guys:

I posted the links because they contain larger pics. In addition to these two, there are two more above.
